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PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - Printable Version

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PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - iMuny - Sep-19-2020


I hope everyone is doing well. I have been using pyaudio for quite some time now, however, recently it stopped working and throwing me an OSERROR, I don't specifically remember changing anything. The relevant part of the script is reproduced below for testing purpose along with the error that I am receiving.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

import pyaudio
import wave
import threading
import struct

# Monkey patch wave library
def _new_read_fmt_chunk(self, chunk):    
    WAVE_FORMAT_PCM = 0x0001
        wFormatTag, self._nchannels, self._framerate, dwAvgBytesPerSec, wBlockAlign = struct.unpack_from('<HHLLH',
    except struct.error:
        raise EOFError from None
    if wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM or wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE:
            sampwidth = struct.unpack_from('<H',[0]
        except struct.error:
            raise EOFError from None
        self._sampwidth = (sampwidth + 7) // 8
        if not self._sampwidth:
            raise Error('bad sample width')
        raise Error('unknown format: %r' % (wFormatTag,))
    if not self._nchannels:
        raise Error('bad # of channels')
    self._framesize = self._nchannels * self._sampwidth
    self._comptype = 'NONE'
    self._compname = 'not compressed'
wave.Wave_read._read_fmt_chunk = _new_read_fmt_chunk

class BackGroundMusic:
    def __init__(self):
        self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
        self.enabled = False

    def __del__(self):

    def play(self, bgm_file):
        if bgm_file[-4:].lower() != '.wav':
        self.enabled = True
        threading.Thread(target=self.background_thread, args=(bgm_file, )).start()

    def background_thread(self, bgm_file):
        chunk = 1024
        with, 'rb') as wf:
            stream =, channels=wf.getnchannels(),
                                 rate=wf.getframerate(), output=True)
            while self.enabled:
                data = wf.readframes(chunk)
                if not data:

    def stop(self):
        self.enabled = False

x = BackGroundMusic()
bgm_file = r'C:\file_path\music_file.wav'
Exception in thread Thread-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\lib\", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\lib\", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "C:/Users/xxxx/PycharmProjects/hm_API/hm_API/music/", line 50, in background_thread stream =, channels=wf.getnchannels(), File "C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\", line 750, in open stream = Stream(self, *args, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\", line 441, in __init__ self._stream =**arguments) OSError: [Errno -9999] Unanticipated host error
Note: The wave file is sampled at 96Khz.

RE: PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - jefsummers - Sep-19-2020

Took your code, only change I made was the name of the file, and it played just fine. I'd do the usuals - reboot, make sure the file plays in a different player.

RE: PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - iMuny - Sep-20-2020

Thank you for the response. however, unfortunately rebooting, using a different file etc doesn't solve the problem, i have tried by reinstalling pyaudio too but the error still persists

RE: PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - jefsummers - Sep-20-2020

Looking around, I have found the following possibilities:
Unsupported bit rate (make sure you try files in different and common bit rates, like 44.1K and 48K)
Microphone privacy settings - enable and disable and see if makes a difference (even though you are not using, several people have reported this to cause the error)

Make sure your settings are supported.
import pyaudio
soundObj = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# Learn what your OS+Hardware can do
defaultCapability = soundObj.get_default_host_api_info()
print defaultCapability

# See if you can make it do what you want
isSupported = soundObj.is_format_supported(input_format=pyaudio.paInt8, input_channels=1, rate=22050, input_device=0)
print isSupported
Credit where it is due, I got that from Stack Overflow

RE: PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - iMuny - Sep-21-2020

Thank you for the help, however unfortunately, following your advice did not resolve the issue. I believe something has gotten messed up in my portaudio binary. I tried removing and reinstalling it but still no dice. Can someone recommend a simpler sound library with synthesizer support?. The library that does not implement threading on its own will be recommended.

RE: PyAudio [Errorno -9999] Unanticipated Host Error - jefsummers - Sep-21-2020

pygame has audio support. The following will play an mp3 file. It will also play midi notes.
import pygame.mixer
