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Virtual Assistant code is looping back in python - Printable Version

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Virtual Assistant code is looping back in python - ShishirModi - Oct-13-2020

I am working on a virtual assistant and have almost completed it. But when I try to give it a test run, it either doesn't stop listening or loops back to "What can I help you with?"

I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I have tried changing stuff but it didn't help me in any way. I have checked my microphone and it seems to be working properly. In fact, the assistant is taking in correct inputs, but not displaying outputs as it is supposed to.

The up-to-date GitHub link for this project:
Please help me through this. Thanks!
import speech_recognition as sr
import pyttsx3
import datetime
import wikipedia
import webbrowser
import os
import time
import subprocess
import wolframalpha
import json
import requests
import sys
def speak(text):

def wishMe():
    if hour>=0 and hour<12:
        speak("Good morning!")
        print("Good morning!")
    elif hour>=12 and hour<18:
        speak("Good afternoon!")
        print("Good afternoon!")
        speak("Good evening!")
        print("Good evening!")
def takeCommand():
    with sr.Microphone() as source:
        print("What can I help you with?")
        speak("What can I help you with?")
        r.pause_threshold = 1
        r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=1)
            print(f"You said: {statement}\n")
        except sr.UnknownValueError:
            speak("I'm sorry, I didn't catch that")
        return statement
print("Please wait while your assistant loads...")
speak("Please wait while your assistant loads")
if __name__=='__main__':

    while True:
        statement = takeCommand().lower()
        if statement==0:
if "bye" in statement or "stop" in statement:
  speak('Glad to help you! I will shut down now')
  print('Glad to help you! I will shut down now')
elif 'wikipedia' in statement:
  speak('Searching Wikipedia...')
  statement =statement.replace("wikipedia", "")
  results = wikipedia.summary(statement, sentences=3)
  speak("According to Wikipedia")
elif 'open youtube' in statement:
  speak("Youtube is open now")
elif 'open google' in statement:
  speak("Google is open now")
elif 'open gmail' in statement:
  speak("Gmail is open now")
elif 'time' in statement:"%H:%M:%S")
  speak(f"the time is {strTime}")
elif 'news' in statement:
  news = webbrowser.open_new_tab("")
  speak('Here are some headlines from the BBC news, Happy reading!')
elif 'search'  in statement:
  statement = statement.replace("search", "")
elif 'what is' in statement:
  speak('I can get you answers for computational and geographical problems. Please ask your question now')
  client = wolframalpha.Client('6QKTYA-66TGTQE6TX')
  res = client.query(question)
  answer = next(res.results).text
elif 'who are you' in statement or 'what can you do' in statement:
  speak('I am your personal productivity assistant YourEdu. I am programmed to minor tasks like'
  'opening youtube,google chrome, gmail and stackoverflow ,predict time,search wikipedia' 
  'get top headline news from BBC and you can ask me computational or geographical questions too!')
elif "who made you" in statement or "who created you" in statement or "who discovered you" in statement:
  speak("I was built by Shishir Modi")
  print("I was built by Shishir Modi")
elif "log off" in statement or "sign out" in statement:
  speak("Ok , your pc will log off in 10 sec make sure you exit from all applications")
  time.sleep(10)["shutdown", "/l"])

RE: Virtual Assistant code is looping back in python - Nickd12 - Oct-13-2020

I would try taking the speak(what can I help you with?) out of your take_command function and move it right after the while loop using your speak() and put your take command function right after it