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pyinstaller-3.3 - Printable Version

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pyinstaller-3.3 - LateCreate - Oct-13-2020

Hello Everybody, I am apprehensive about showing my code, I want to sell this program, however at the same time I desperately need help. It is a technical program, some numerical analysis graphing with PYQT5 and QWT, it runs fine on the compiler, I compiled it with Spyder-3.4 running on Windows 10,pyinstaller-3.3, but for some reason it just will not build, I have tried everything in the pyinstaller manual 'When things go wrong'. Initially I ran into the 'recurrsion problem', pasting into the spec file to set recursion to 5000 solved that problem, I have disabled Norton properly, I have tried both --onefile and --onedir, on either it seems to build an exe fine but having set --debug when I click on it I get all of the info's that it's setting up to run and configuring everything and then finally 'failure to run the' and it fails then cleans the cache.
Command line initially is:
C:\Users\JosephPalumbo\Python34\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.4.4.amd64\Lib\site-packages\pyinstaller-3.3.1>pyinstaller --clean --noconsole --onedir --debug C:\Users\JosephPalumbo\Python34\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.4.4.amd64\Lib\site-packages\pyinstaller-3.3.1\
Then after I paste recursion 5000 into spec file:
C:\Users\JosephPalumbo\Python34\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.4.4.amd64\Lib\site-packages\pyinstaller-3.3.1>pyinstaller C:\Users\JosephPalumbo\Python34\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.4.4.amd64\Lib\site-packages\pyinstaller-3.3.1\untitled7\untitled7.spec
Please help anybody!!!!