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How inverse a number? - Printable Version

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How inverse a number? - Capitaine_Flam - Oct-30-2020

Hello guys,
I need for a little project a function or a command that can inverse a number for example, if the input is 196; the output will be 691.
Can you help me please with this, please? Because it seems way too complicated for me😅, I am a beginner!

RE: How inverse a number? - deanhystad - Oct-30-2020

Searching the internet is too hard? It is too hard to even make an attempt? It is too hard to even look if this question's been asked here before?

Drop the "Its too hard for me", give things a good try, and you will find this forum to be very helpful.

RE: How inverse a number? - Capitaine_Flam - Oct-30-2020

(Oct-30-2020, 07:44 PM)deanhystad Wrote: Searching the internet is too hard? It is too hard to even make an attempt? It is too hard to even look if this question's been asked here before?

Drop the "Its too hard for me", give things a good try, and you will find this forum to be very helpful.

Sorry is just that I've saw this
when I was looking on the internet.
By saying this with this tone it's was just for saying that I don't have the level for things like this. And BTW I just discovered the forum one hour ago and thought that this type of question got places in a forum like this.
But thank you for the link and thank you for showing me that this type of tone doesn't get a place here.

RE: How inverse a number? - metulburr - Oct-30-2020

I find your response to be borderline of being too abrasive. I understand that people need to search the forum, but 9 out of 10 people do not. It is just a part of life to link old responses or re-answer the same question. We do not have any information on the OP, such as age. There are often children (age 8) asking questions, etc. Our forum aims to be a discussion board and not a Stack Overflow Q&A, so we promote discussion. I think that kind of response deters people way from the forum or makes people afraid to ask questions on the forum.

Using phrases like "please, pretty please" and saying "something is too complicated" tells users you are looking for a handout. Just to let you know. If your interested in reading more about it, read this. It is very useful for how to phrase your question.

a slice would probably be the best option
>>> int(str(196)[::-1])

RE: How inverse a number? - jefsummers - Oct-31-2020

To simplify, the idea is to take the integer, convert it to a string of digits, reverse the string, then turn it back into an integer. The posted solutions do this great and are one line solutions. But let's take the steps one at a time:
my_number = 691
my_string = str(my_number)
my_new_string = my_string[::-1] #slice notation, a good thing to learn
my_new_number = int(my_new_string)
We've all been beginners, but we really like to see your attempts at a problem and will help where you are stuck. Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish.

RE: How inverse a number? - Capitaine_Flam - Nov-19-2020

@metullburr Thank you for your answer and for the link I will read this page with the attention! (I was looking for something like this for a while!)
And I understand that the way that I ask the question was maybe not the more appropriate, and you were right when you saying that an answer like this is discouraging peoples and making it hard to ask a question, it's not creating a friendly environment.

But thanks I will come back to this forum if I need help and also for helping others! (when my python level will improve, it's may take a while!)

RE: How inverse a number? - Capitaine_Flam - Nov-19-2020

(Oct-31-2020, 12:01 PM)jefsummers Wrote: To simplify, the idea is to take the integer, convert it to a string of digits, reverse the string, then turn it back into an integer. The posted solutions do this great and are one line solutions. But let's take the steps one at a time:
my_number = 691
my_string = str(my_number)
my_new_string = my_string[::-1] #slice notation, a good thing to learn
my_new_number = int(my_new_string)
We've all been beginners, but we really like to see your attempts at a problem and will help where you are stuck. Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish.

Thank you for this response, it's really helpful!
I needed an explanation like this for a better understanding! now I got it!
Thank you again for your explanations!

RE: How inverse a number? - DeaD_EyE - Nov-20-2020

Little improvement of what you found on the internet:

def reverse_number(value):
    return int("".join(reversed(str(value))))
But the slicing syntax is shorter and easier to read.

RE: How inverse a number? - perfringo - Nov-20-2020

One solution without converting integer into string:

>>> def reverse_int(num):
...     reversed = 0
...     while num:
...         num, reminder = divmod(num, 10)
...         reversed = reversed * 10 + reminder
...     return reversed
>>> reverse_int(691)
>>> reverse_int(0)
>>> reverse_int(100)