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Strange Problem when reading from excel - Printable Version

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Strange Problem when reading from excel - faryad13 - Nov-04-2020

Hi everybody

I faced one strange problem:

I have two similar excel file and I am trying to read some data from them, For the first excel file is OK and when I run the code I receive the value in a millisecond , but for the second one it takes 2-3 min to get the results. (I just change the name of file in my code)

- The excel files are exactly similar (Actually I copied the second file from first and just changed the data!)
- Both of them has number format with same digits.
- Both files are in a same location

I do not know why the problem occurs.
Does anybody has any idea???


RE: Strange Problem when reading from excel - DeaD_EyE - Nov-04-2020

Without code, it's guessing.

Which framework do you use? pandas, pyexcel or others

RE: Strange Problem when reading from excel - faryad13 - Nov-04-2020

It is a python module in a CAE software. I am reading with utils.XlsxOpen and utils.XlsxGetCellValue codes.
It is OK and I have the results, I checked with a new Excel file also and it is OK, but for an Excel file it takes too much to have the results.

RE: Strange Problem when reading from excel - DeaD_EyE - Nov-04-2020

Hm, maybe you're using the wrong technique to access the data or you find a bug.
Can you debug the Python code in your CAE software?

If nothing helps, you may install an additional python package to handle the data with this packages instead of the API of your CAE software.