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Last Python (64bit) version for Windows 7? - Printable Version

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Last Python (64bit) version for Windows 7? - pstein - Nov-14-2020

What is the last version which is available for Windows 7 (64bit) ?

RE: Last Python (64bit) version for Windows 7? - ndc85430 - Nov-14-2020

Have you looked at the downloads page?

RE: Last Python (64bit) version for Windows 7? - DeaD_EyE - Nov-15-2020

Python 3.8 should run.
Python 3.9 has patched out the support for Windows 7.

Windows 7 is EOL. Nobody wants to support Software, which is EOL.
(there is paid support for Companies, but this does not count for the Python Developers)

Only Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are the current Windows Operating systems, which could run the latest Python version. The Support for Windows 8 has ended before the Windows 7 EOL.

I think you should better upgrade to Windows 10 or switch to a Linux Distribution if you like.
If you choose Windows 10, you could also install programs from both worlds (WSL2, Ubuntu-Terminal in Windows).

In addition, there are many tools to get rid of the most annoying spyware in Windows 10.

In our Company we have this situation. Currently, switching everything to Windows 10 (except my Laptop: Ubuntu).

RE: Last Python (64bit) version for Windows 7? - jefsummers - Nov-15-2020

When the Python developers release a version, that version will support currently supported OS's. Given that the developers are volunteers, writing patches for a no longer supported OS is, well, wasted time. When older OSs are dropped, they can typically remove patches that were placed in Python to fix problems with those older OSs, resulting in faster and cleaner code. And, your Win7 machine is no longer secure. Rumors are that 3.10 is going to add some significant speed...

If you have an old device that won't upgrade to Windows 10 the suggestion of DeadEye to move to Ubuntu is a good one. I did that with an old laptop and it runs Anaconda just fine. Or, look at CloudReady from Neverwear to turn your machine into a Chromebook, then use an online Python such as Google's Colab