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Adding 1 to number - Printable Version

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Adding 1 to number - JohnNo - Apr-29-2017

I cant find anwser anywhere for this question. I have a number and when i click a button i want that number + 1 and so on so like this. 

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
zeroo = 0
def add():
    zeroo = 0
    for zeroo in range(900):
        zeroo = zeroo + 1
x = Button(root,text="Do it!", command=add)
But this code only prints 900 and what I want is this
When you click the button it prints 1
When you click again it prints 2
and so on but i dont know how

RE: Adding 1 to number - wavic - Apr-29-2017

I don't know Tkinter at all but try this

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
zeroo = 0
def add(zeroo):
    if zeroo <= 900:
        return zero + 1
x = Button(root,text="Do it!", command=add)
y = Label(root, text=zeroo)

RE: Adding 1 to number - JohnNo - Apr-29-2017

Well that just prints nothing

#2 well i edited the code
no error but it prints nothing

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
zeroo = 0
def add():
    if zeroo <= 900:
        return zeroo + 1
x = Button(root,text="Do it!", command=add)
y = Label(root, text=zeroo)

RE: Adding 1 to number - snippsat - Apr-29-2017

You can use IntVar() which has a get method.
>>> import tkinter
>>> root = tkinter.Tk()
>>> counter = tkinter.IntVar()
>>> counter.get() + 1
import tkinter

root = tkinter.Tk()

counter = tkinter.IntVar()
def add():
    counter.set(counter.get() + 1)

tkinter.Label(root, textvariable=counter).pack()
tkinter.Button(root, text="Do it!", command=add, fg="dark green").pack()
Do no use from tkinter import * even if this is common in many Tkinter tutorials.

RE: Adding 1 to number - nilamo - Apr-29-2017

(Apr-29-2017, 01:14 PM)JohnNo Wrote: #2 well i edited the code
no error but it prints nothing

       return zeroo + 1

Of coarse it prints nothing, you return from the function before ever trying to print anything.

Aside from that, though, try to avoid global variables.  It might be a hassle at first, but it'll make your life much better later on :)

All the cool kids have posted code, so here's some from me, too:
>>> import tkinter as tk
>>> class Counter(object):
...   def __init__(self, start: int = 0):
...     self.value = start
...   def add(self) -> int:
...     if self.value < 900:
...       self.value += 1
...     print(self.value)
...     return self.value
>>> clicks = Counter()
>>> root = tk.Tk()
>>> tk.Button(root, text="click me!", command=clicks.add).pack()
>>> root.mainloop()

RE: Adding 1 to number - Turry - Apr-29-2017

You get 900 because you made the script go in a range from 0 to 899 with x
Remove that ****.