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FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - Printable Version

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FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - zionkozisek - Nov-28-2020

I started following a Space Invaders tutorial for pygame, and I made sprites in Piskel and put them into the folder with my game, but I got an error saying "FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory." Note that I am very new to pygame. I tried many ways, but it still comes up with the same error, which are listed below.

- pygame.image.load("cannon.png")
- pygame.image.load("cannon.gif")
- pygame.image.load("\Users\ZULU\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Zion_Python Games\First Pygame\cannon.png")
- pygame.image.load("/Users/ZULU\AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First Pygame/cannon.png")
- pygame.image.load(os.path.abspath("cannon.png"))
- pygame.image.load(os.path.abspath("\Users\ZULU\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Zion_Python Games\First Pygame\cannon.png"))

Also, I tried checking if the path existed, but It always appeared False.

os.path.exists('/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First Pygame/cannon.png')

I'm just not sure what to do.

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - metulburr - Nov-30-2020

Loading a file is in relation to the file that you ran to run the code.

I am assuming it is this based on your path?
pygame.image.load("First Pygame\cannon.png")
But that is assuming that your main file you run is in the directory "First Pygame" directory

If that fails i would give the fullpath. This is not the fullpath if you are on Windows. I am also assuming that based on seeing AppData directory.
 pygame.image.load("\Users\ZULU\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Zion_Python Games\First Pygame\cannon.png")

It should be
 pygame.image.load("C:\Users\ZULU\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Zion_Python Games\First Pygame\cannon.png")

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - zionkozisek - Dec-02-2020

I tried adding the full path, but my code wouldn't run because of an error.
(unicode error) 'unicodescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
I'm not sure what this means.

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - MK_CodingSpace - Dec-03-2020

When use directories, it's "/" not "\".

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - zionkozisek - Dec-04-2020

I just tried that, and I got the FileNotFound error.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\ZULU\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Zion_Python Games\First Pygame\First", line 15, in <module> icon = pygame.image.load("C:/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First Pygame/cannon.png") FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory.
checking the path did appear false too when I checked it with the os module too, if that tells more of what is going on.
os.path.exists('C:/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First Pygame/cannon.png')
Any other suggestions?

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - MK_CodingSpace - Dec-04-2020

Try to put your image and source code in the same directory, and then use pygame.image.load("cannon.png") to see if it works.

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - zionkozisek - Dec-05-2020

I've tried that, and I get the same error.

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - MK_CodingSpace - Dec-05-2020

Then I think you either don't have the image in the same directory, or got the image name wrong.

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - metulburr - Dec-06-2020

It could be the directory name causing an issue
First Pygame
1) Is there a space here?
2) are you running on windows OS? I wasnt sure at first because you did not have the C drive in the path. The only reason i suspected windows was because i saw the AppData directory.

In windows OS you have to put quotation marks around the path if there is a space in a directory name such as:
"C:/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First Pygame/cannon.png"
However in linux and mac you escape it such as:
C:/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First\ Pygame/cannon.png
I havent used windows in a long time so i could be wrong. But i would try escaping the space in the path when you load it from pygame
pygame.image.load("C:/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First\ Pygame/cannon.png")

RE: FileNotFoundError when I try putting sprite in Pygame - zionkozisek - Dec-09-2020

I figured it out!!

I put the file type in the name of the file, so the file name looked like "cannon.png" instead of "cannon," so i had to put an extra '.png' at the end.

pygame.image.load("C:/Users/ZULU/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37-32/Zion_Python Games/First Pygame/cannon.png.png")
I feel so dumb. Thanks for the help though.