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Design of borrower early warning syatem - Printable Version

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Design of borrower early warning syatem - amolp - Dec-12-2020

Hello All,

I am planning to design a loan early warning system for my borrowers in python. In this regard, i want to have following:

1) News alert for my borrowers (daily alerts from the web)
2) Top news alerts in excel format (generated in stage one above)
3) Summary of each news alert in excel
4) Sentiment analysis of each news alert in excel

Kindly guide.
Thanks in advance..

RE: Design of borrower early warning syatem - Larz60+ - Dec-12-2020

below are links to appropriate packages that match or come close to requested process.
The work of finding a good fit is left up to you.
If it looks like there is a fit, you should write a short program to try the package.

  1. News alert for my borrowers (daily alerts from the web). - These are email broadcast packages:
  2. Top news alerts in excel format (generated in stage one above) - News alerts general:
  3. Summary of each news alert in excel
    you will probably have to arrange in excel yourself, using pyexcel (or similar) package:
  4. Sentiment analysis of each news alert in excel - Various Sentiment analysis packages:
  5. You will also have to create your web page, and be able to handle subscriptions. That is exactly the objective of the Flask tutorial here:

This should get you started.

RE: Design of borrower early warning syatem - buran - Dec-12-2020

This sounds like very large project. Split in smaller parts. Think design beforehand.
Start building it one module/feature at a time and adding features as you go.
Like you state it now, this is probably all advise you can get.

RE: Design of borrower early warning syatem - amolp - Dec-20-2020

(Dec-12-2020, 09:03 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: below are links to appropriate packages that match or come close to requested process.
The work of finding a good fit is left up to you.
If it looks like there is a fit, you should write a short program to try the package.

  1. News alert for my borrowers (daily alerts from the web). - These are email broadcast packages:
  2. Top news alerts in excel format (generated in stage one above) - News alerts general:
  3. Summary of each news alert in excel
    you will probably have to arrange in excel yourself, using pyexcel (or similar) package:
  4. Sentiment analysis of each news alert in excel - Various Sentiment analysis packages:
  5. You will also have to create your web page, and be able to handle subscriptions. That is exactly the objective of the Flask tutorial here:

This should get you started.

Thanks a ton.. as i'm new and just started coding, it's not going to be easy for me. i've been trying stage one as recommended by you, but cannot proceed. can i request you to write a small code for me to search news items for my borrower entity. This will be a great help for me.. thanks in advance!!