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Becoming a Self-Taught Programmer: Cory Althoff Interview - Printable Version

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Becoming a Self-Taught Programmer: Cory Althoff Interview - Evrone - Dec-16-2020

Cory Althoff is an author, speaker, and startup advisor. Book Authority called his book The Self-Taught Programmer one of the greatest software books of all-time. He based it on his experience working as a software engineer at eBay and several startups in Silicon Valley despite majoring in political science in college.

His book shows you how to become a self-taught coder in Python using a non-traditional approach: learning to code first and theory second. It is a guide that takes you from writing your first Python program to passing your first technical interview.

More and more people are becoming self-taught programmers nowadays. Thinking that this trend will only continue, we decided to talk to Cory about new developers’ biggest challenges. He told us if it is reasonable for a new developer to learn and practice both front-end and back-end development, and what kind of projects new Python developers can expect at the beginning of their careers.