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Object detection on ground via the use of geo/sat UAV images - Printable Version

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Object detection on ground via the use of geo/sat UAV images - hobbyist - Jan-23-2021


I have few UAV images and I am searching how to do 2 things.
1) Identify specific objects on ground and isolate these objects as new images
2) Use the new images from the step 1 in order to train a CNN and output results.

I believe that I should "tell" the CNN which images are what, in other words to put labels on them (is there any better/faster way?) The problem is step 1. How can I achieve this object detection?

RE: Object detection on ground via the use of geo/sat UAV images - Larz60+ - Jan-23-2021

this paper may be of interest, I think it's pretty close to what you're looking for:

googling this: Object detection on ground via the use of 'geo/sat UAV images' python
bring us several interesting articles from banana plants to swimming pools. Didn't see people, but there might be something there.

RE: Object detection on ground via the use of geo/sat UAV images - hobbyist - Jan-23-2021
