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how to take a screnshot by Pyautogui automatically and randomly - Printable Version

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how to take a screnshot by Pyautogui automatically and randomly - rachidel07 - Feb-03-2021

objective i want to extract text from image. i play a game which an icon appears randomly ,and there is a text(text as image) near to the icon from the right. i want the script take screenshot of the region of the text only. so, i want the script every time he locatonscreen the i con, i want him take screen shot of the text. here is an image to understand the idea :
[Image: 751Vm.png]

this is my code:

import pyautogui as py
import time
from PIL import Image
from pytesseract import *

pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'

while 1:
        indice1 = py.locateOnScreen("icon.png")
    if indice1:
        print("indice see it ")

        myScreenshot = py.screenshot()'C:\Users\rachidel07\Desktop\ok\venv\image.png')"image.png")
        output = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)

            print ("non")