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problems to install PYZO - Printable Version

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problems to install PYZO - chris1 - Feb-17-2021

I use Python 3.9 on Windows 10 with IDLE without any problem.
I would like to test PYZO and I installed it in the same directory as Python.

but Pyzo can't find Python, I strictly followed the procedure indicated in the guide with "edit shell configuration".

I encounter 2 difficulties:

1- what is the way to find "pythonPath" that I have to specify.

2- Moreover I entered the path above for python.exe
But I got the message below:
'C:\Users\XX' is not recognized as an internal or external command, an executable program or a command file. The specified path is not found. The specified path cannot be found.
The process failed to start (invalid command?). (1)

I also tried this way: C:\Users&Fanou\AppData\Local\Programs
but I got the same message

By the way I don't understand why we find python.exe in 2 different places ... Which one is the good one ?

Thanks for your help

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RE: problems to install PYZO - buran - Feb-17-2021

Not used pyzo, but looking at the docs:
1. No need to specify pythonPath - this is extra path where it will search for modules
2. in exe - specify the path to python.exe. It looks like you install python from Microsoft Store so I expect something like C:\Users\XX&YYY\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39
Do you see anything when click on drop down?

(Feb-17-2021, 11:32 AM)chris1 Wrote: By the way I don't understand why we find python.exe in 2 different places ... Which one is the good one ?
Not sure what you mean. Where do you find python.exe? Is it possible that one is shortcut? Or you have multiple installs?

RE: problems to install PYZO - chris1 - Feb-17-2021

Thank you Buran for your response
Yes there are 2 pyhon.exe in 2 different paths

The first path is :

The second is this one:

but the ...exe are different

At the beginning I had nothing with click in drop down
now I have the first path

I don't remember if I did several installations, I don't think so because I didn't change the path proposed during the installation.

In the control panel/.../program I see only one python3.9.0 and one python launcher

on the other hand I had to install pip with the following command to be able to load mathplotlib:
C:\Users\XX&YY> py -m pip install SomePackage

Maybe this is the cause of the problem?

I'd like to avoid reinstalling everything if possible.

Translated with (free version)

RE: problems to install PYZO - chris1 - Feb-19-2021

(Feb-17-2021, 12:01 PM)buran Wrote: Not used pyzo, but looking at the docs:
1. No need to specify pythonPath - this is extra path where it will search for modules
2. in exe - specify the path to python.exe. It looks like you install python from Microsoft Store so I expect something like C:\Users\XX&YYY\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39
Do you see anything when click on drop down?

(Feb-17-2021, 11:32 AM)chris1 Wrote: By the way I don't understand why we find python.exe in 2 different places ... Which one is the good one ?
Not sure what you mean. Where do you find python.exe? Is it possible that one is shortcut? Or you have multiple installs?

RE: problems to install PYZO - chris1 - Feb-19-2021

(Feb-19-2021, 06:39 PM)chris1 Wrote:
(Feb-17-2021, 12:01 PM)buran Wrote: Not used pyzo, but looking at the docs:
1. No need to specify pythonPath - this is extra path where it will search for modules
2. in exe - specify the path to python.exe. It looks like you install python from Microsoft Store so I expect something like C:\Users\XX&YYY\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39
Do you see anything when click on drop down?

Not sure what you mean. Where do you find python.exe? Is it possible that one is shortcut? Or you have multiple installs?

RE: problems to install PYZO - chris1 - Feb-19-2021

my problem is SOLVED!
the reason is that the correct path to indicate in the .exe box when you want to create the shell, is not the one indicated in the guide or on the forums.

In fact with Python 3.9 the right path is the one that leads to py.exe, for me it's :


I had the same problem in other cases .... the guides probably have not been updated
thank you all the same

sorry ...I don't know hox to put the post 'SOLVED"

RE: problems to install PYZO - snippsat - Feb-19-2021

(Feb-19-2021, 06:45 PM)chris1 Wrote: In fact with Python 3.9 the right path is the one that leads to py.exe, for me it's :

Python install a py.exe since Python 3.3 to the Windows folder,
but main version so should python and pip point to this version eg Python 3.9.
This is most stable setup for install packages and setup Editor's IDE.
Python 3.9/3.8 and pip installation under Windows
λ py -2.7 -V
Python 2.7.9
λ py -3.8 -V
Python 3.8.3
# Main version use always python 
λ python -V
Python 3.9.1

# pip install to Python 3.9
C:\>pip -V
pip 20.2.4 from c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.9)