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xlsxwriter + mplfinance: Plot Stock Chart in Excel Worksheet - Printable Version

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xlsxwriter + mplfinance: Plot Stock Chart in Excel Worksheet - KMV - Mar-09-2021


I would like to loop into various of instrument tickers in a dataframe and plot each instrument chart into an Excel worksheet.

Is there a possibility to do that on-the-fly using xlsxwriter's "insert_image" and mplfinance's "plot" functions?

The loop looks as follows:

for ticker in ticker:
	workbook.add_worksheet(ticker) # Add multiple sheets for each instrument
	filt2 = (dfInit["Ticker"] == ticker)
	mpf.plot(dfInit[filt2], title = ticker, type = "candle", style = "classic")  # This line have to be modified in order to insert charts into excel worksheet

Thank you in advance!

RE: xlsxwriter + mplfinance: Plot Stock Chart in Excel Worksheet - KMV - Mar-09-2021

I was able to insert charts into multiple sheets. However, the chart was first saved on the local drive and then inserted in spreadsheet.

for ticker in ticker:
	activeSheet = workbook.get_worksheet_by_name(ticker)
	filt2 = (dfInit["Ticker"] == ticker)
	mpf.plot(dfInit[filt2], title = ticker, type = "candle", style = "classic", savefig = ticker + ".png")
	activeSheet.insert_image(1, 1, ticker + ".png")
Can we do the same without saving the png to the local drive?