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HTML multi select HTML listbox with Flask/Python - Printable Version

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HTML multi select HTML listbox with Flask/Python - rfeyer - Mar-14-2021

I have stumbled through creating a python tkinter program which plays multiple video clips (captured by motion surveillance app). Works very well but I will need to convert it to be usable over the internet (private use only) and would like to use Python Flask and HTML.

the current list creation is the following (inRadio being a directory variable passed by a radio Button, orig_import a base directory in case radioButton passage does not work):

def SourceBrowse():
    global directory
    directory = inRadio.get()
    if not directory:
        print("it's empty!")
        directory = orig_import

currently populating a listbox with the files:

# for scrolling vertically 
yscrollbar = Scrollbar(lbFrame)
yscrollbar.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y )

lb = Listbox(lbFrame, height = 40, width = 50, selectmode = "extended",yscrollcommand = yscrollbar.set,
             bg = '#153549', fg = 'white', selectbackground = 'lime')
lb.bind("<Double-1>", lambda x: viewButton.invoke())
lb.pack(padx = 2, pady = 2, fill = "both")
yscrollbar.config(command = lb.yview)

# Populating listbox: filenames only, then add directory when manipulating files
def populate_lb():
    global directory
    lb.delete(0, END)  #clear listbox
    file_list = [f for f in listdir(directory) if isfile(join(directory,f))]
    sorted_list = sorted(file_list, reverse=True)
    for file in sorted_list:
        lb.insert(0, file)
the rest of my code allows for single or multiple of these video clips being played successively.

Is it possible to re-create this with Flask and HTML? I did find code allowing for a single file to be played:
<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- place the charset right after head -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">

<select name="list_box_name[]" size="number_of_options" multiple="multiple">
<option value="option1">Option1</option>
<option value="option2">Option2</option>
<option value="Option3">Option3</option>

<video controls width="640" height="480"  autoplay muted>
  <source src="videofile.mp4" type="video/mp4">

  <!-- fallback for browsers that don't support mp4 -->
  <source src="/home/rainer/Videos/HouseToCoop-Deer-.20201127_080547_1.mp4" type="video/webm">

  <!-- fallback for browsers that don't support video tag -->
  <a href="videofile.mp4">download video</a>
but have not found any help with populating a listbox from files of directory and then play the selected files