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[split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - Printable Version

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[split] SyntaxError: invalid syntax - Code_X - May-04-2021

I am sorry if this forum is closed but I have a similar issue where my code is telling me this:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in <module> import moon as m File "/home/pi/", line 8 of the moon for a given date; and phase_hunt(), which given a date, finds the dates of the nearest full moon, new moon, etc. """ from math import sin, cos, floor, sqrt, pi, tan, atan # asin, atan2 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
why is this? code can be provided. I must also mention that I am writing this on a raspberry pi zero running rasbpian lite.

RE: Syntax error not understood - Larz60+ - May-04-2021

you need to install the 'moon' package
you should be able to install with pip3 install moon (if allowed on Pi)

RE: Syntax error not understood - bowlofred - May-04-2021

You your file /home/pi/ is being found instead of the moon module. Don't use the same name for a file and a module. Rename your to something different.

RE: Syntax error not understood - Yoriz - May-04-2021

You have
from math import sin, cos, floor, sqrt, pi, tan, atan # asin, atan2
on the end of a docstring line
of the moon for a given date; and phase_hunt(), which given a date, finds the dates of the nearest full moon, new moon, etc. """
move it onto a line of its own.