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Need help with my Python code (Multiplication) - Printable Version

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Need help with my Python code (Multiplication) - NeedHelpPython - Oct-03-2021

print("\n----Task 4---- Multiple numbers")

numbers = input("Input numbers to multiply: ")
num_1 = int()
num_2 = int()
print("Extracted numbers " + str(num_1) + " " + str(num_2))
print(str(num_1)  + " * " + str(num_2) + " = " + str(num_1*num_2))
Basically one of my tasks is to make a multiplication calculator so that when the user inputs lets say 7 * 7 it gives them 49. However I am stumped on how to do this.

I can do one like this
A = int(input('First number: '))

B = int(input('Second number: '))

print(A * B)
But I want it to be in a single input. Not multiple inputs.

RE: Need help with my Python code (Multiplication) - Yoriz - Oct-03-2021

You can use the string method split to return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string.
sep defaults to whitespace
user_input = "7 * 7"
first_number, symbol, second_number = user_input.split()

RE: Need help with my Python code (Multiplication) - Pedroski55 - Oct-04-2021

Good practice making a calculator!

What if you want more than 2 numbers?

A while loop is useful. Also, you need to deal with the operand.

I did this when I began to learn some python. (Still haven't got very far!)

#! /usr/bin/python3

# a function to get the numbers
def getNums():
    numbers = []
    while True:
        print('Positive numbers don\'t need a + symbol in front.') 
        print('If you want a negative number, just enter -4 or -15, like that.')
        print('Decimal numbers as normal: 1.35, 12.78 etc.\n\n')
        num = input('Enter a number, or q to quit/stop entering numbers ... ')
        if num == 'q':
    return numbers

# a function to get the operand
def getOperand():
    # maybe add some other operands
    operands = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
    operand = 'X'
    while not operand in operands:
        print('\n\nPlease choose + - * or / ')
        operand = input('Enter what you want to do" + - * / ... ')
    return operand

# a function to add the numbers
def add(numbs):
    result = 0
    for num in numbs:
        result = result + num
    return result

# you make the other functions
# a function to multiply the numbers
def multiply(numbs):
    result = 1
    print('len numbers is', len(numbs))
    for i in range(len(numbs)):
        print('i is', i)
        # do something here
        print('result =', result)
    return result

def main():
    while True:
        message = input('\n\n Enter q to quit using the calculator, anything else to keep calculating ... ')
        if message == 'q':
            print('再见, see you again!')
        the_nums = getNums()
        operand = getOperand()

        if operand == '+':
            this_result = add(the_nums)
            print('\n\nResult  of addition is', this_result)
        # you can figure out the other functions for - * and /
        if operand == '-':
            this_result = subtract(the_nums)
            print('\n\nResult of subtraction is', this_result)            

        if operand == '*':
            this_result = multiply(the_nums)
            print('\n\nResult of multiplication is', this_result)
        if operand == '/':
            this_result = multiply(the_nums)
            print('\n\nResult of division is', this_result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Actually, you only need 2 functions, 1 for addition and 1 for subtraction. Those are really the only 2 operations in arithmetic.

Internally, how computers handle numbers is quite complicated. Somewhere, I have a series of videos "Advanced Python Everything is Bits and Bytes"

Too complicated for me! Have fun!