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Plot 3 variables - Printable Version

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Plot 3 variables - Menthix - Nov-08-2021

I would like to make a plot according to 3 variables. I have a database that includes several theatrical performances at the Comédie-Français. The three variables in question are 'acts' (number of acts in the play: 1, 3 or 5), 'genre' (comedy / tragedy), and 'verse / prose'.
I would like to make three graphs, one for the 1 act plays, one for the 3 act plays and one for the 5 act plays. On each plot, there would be the number of pieces played according to their genre and nature (verse / prose). I would like the graph (for one-act pieces for example) to look like the attachment Plot Want.

Where the two colors (red and green) represent 'verse' and 'prose'.

For the moment I only manage to include 'vers / prose' according to the number of acts, which gives the image Plot Have

But as soon as I try to add another variable ('genre'), it doesn't work...

You will find the notebook on my GitHub:

This is entry 107.

Do you have any idea how to do this?

I thank you in advance Big Grin Cool Shy Rolleyes Tongue Smile Heart

RE: Plot 3 variables - paul18fr - Nov-08-2021

"matplotlib 3d bar plot" on google will help you

Nota: comédie Française (don't forget the last "e" Wink )

RE: Plot 3 variables - Menthix - Nov-08-2021

(Nov-08-2021, 04:50 PM)paul18fr Wrote: "matplotlib 3d bar plot" on google will help you

Nota: comédie Française (don't forget the last "e" Wink )

Thanks for your reply Paul. Although, it's not really what i'd like to end up to. I'd like to have the same think that I have on my attachment (Plot Want.png) :/

RE: Plot 3 variables - Menthix - Nov-13-2021

Any answer ?? What Paul suggested is not what i want at all. I think you are a good guy Paul but it 's not what i'd like. But you seem nice tho.