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XML compare - Printable Version

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XML compare - Nilis78 - Jan-15-2022

Im looking for a script what can compare xml and works simular as the compare function in notepad++.

Is there a script like that?

RE: XML compare - snippsat - Jan-16-2022

difflib or try some third party like xmldiff.
I can do test with difflib and use rich for better look.
from difflib import Differ
from rich import print

with open("1.xml") as f1,open("2.xml") as f2:
    f_1 = [i.strip() for i in f1]
    f_2 = [i.strip() for i in f2]

diff = Differ()
difference = list(, f_2))
difference = '\n'.join(difference)
[Image: 8ov7jJ.png]
So it work fine,files used:
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