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function accepts infinite parameters and returns a graph with those values - Printable Version

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function accepts infinite parameters and returns a graph with those values - edencthompson - Jun-10-2022

Hi y'all,

I am trying to create a function that accepts infinite parameters and returns one graph with all parameter values (beta) on it. Currently, the function only returns one graph (good), but it will only graph the first parameter (bad). I'm not sure how to make it graph all lines. I thought my current code would be able to at least graph the first two parameters entered (I know that it wouldn't work for more than that), but it didn't work for two parameters.

I guess I don't know how to keep assigning ys to the new parameters (beta). Any help would be great!

def beta_graph(*arg):
"""Accepts infinite parameters- which are the beta values- and returns one graph with
    all beta values on that graph
    Note: current code does not do this, but this is the goal"""
    # assigning counting variable
    num = 0
    length = len(arg)
    # starting with 0th index of arg tuple
    beta = arg[num]
    # creating the figure and axes
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    # generating the x-axis data
    xs = np.linspace(1, 5, 1000)

    # assigning constant values
    v_inf = 2700 # km/s
    v_0 = 1 # km/s

    # y-axis data for 0th index
    ys1 = (v_0 + (v_inf - v_0)*(1 - 1/xs)**beta)/v_inf

    # plotting 0th index data
    ax.plot(xs, ys1, label= f'beta = {beta}')
    ax.text(5, beta, f"{beta}", ha='center')
    # setting x and y labels
    ax.set_xlabel('$r / R_*$')
    ax.set_ylabel('$v(r) / v_{inf}$')
    while True:
        # if we've reached the end of the tuple, exit while loop
        if (num + 1) == length:
        # if we haven't reached the end of the tuple,
        # graph the next beta value
            # y-axis data for next index
            ys2 = (v_0 + (v_inf - v_0)*(1 - 1/xs)**beta)/v_inf
            # plotting data
            ax.plot(xs, ys2, label= f'beta = {beta}')
            ax.text(5, beta, f"{beta}", ha='center')
            num = num + 1 

beta_graph(0.1, 0.2)
# I want them to print on the same graph