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Python icons in Ubuntu - Printable Version

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Python icons in Ubuntu - KatManDEW - Aug-12-2022

I have some Python files that run when I double click on them, but I have others that have a different icon and they won't run when I double click on them. What is the difference in these files? I'm running Ubuntu on a Raspberry 4.

RE: Python icons in Ubuntu - deanhystad - Aug-12-2022

The ones you can't run by clicking don't contain a shebang. Lookup Python shebang.

RE: Python icons in Ubuntu - KatManDEW - Aug-12-2022

(Aug-12-2022, 01:42 AM)deanhystad Wrote: The ones you can't run by clicking don't contain a shebang. Lookup Python shebang.

Thank you!!! Going to look that up now.

RE: Python icons in Ubuntu - KatManDEW - Aug-12-2022

(Aug-12-2022, 01:42 AM)deanhystad Wrote: The ones you can't run by clicking don't contain a shebang. Lookup Python shebang.

That worked. I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure that out before posting here in desperation. Thank you!!!

RE: Python icons in Ubuntu - rob101 - Aug-12-2022

You may also need to chmod 700 the file, or use the GUI to set the 'executable' flag.