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Help with conversion program - Printable Version

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Help with conversion program - uwl - Aug-19-2022

I have errors in my code, it is for converting RGB to Hex in python.
 def color(RGB):
  if RGB > 255:
    RGB = 255
  elif RGB < 0:
    RGB = 0
    RGB = hex(RGB)[2:].upper()
  if len(RGB)<2:
    RGB = '0'+RGB
  return RGB    
 def rgb(r, g, b):
  return color(r)+color(g)+color(b)
It shows for line 7. the following is thrown:

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
Does anyone have recommendations to help me fix this program?

I already tried adding str() to len(RGB)<2: with no successes.

RE: Help with conversion program - deanhystad - Aug-19-2022

Your indentation was wrong on line 6. This was only called if RGB < 0
RGB = hex(RGB)[2:].upper()
Use f'string formatting. It will do the zero fill and upper case for you. In the code below, "02X" Says convert to upper case hexadecimal (X) and pad with 0 (0) to a width of 2 characters (2). I also prefer using min and max for clipping numbers to a range.
def rgb2hex(r, g, b, prefix=""):
    clipped = (max(0, min(255, c)) for c in (r, g, b))
    return prefix + "".join((f"{c:02X}" for c in clipped))

print(rgb2hex(184, 7, 280, "#"))