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Video in Canvas - Printable Version

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Video in Canvas - finndude - Sep-29-2022

Hi, just wanted to know if its possible to play a video in canvas with tkinter?

RE: Video in Canvas - buran - Sep-29-2022

RE: Video in Canvas - finndude - Sep-29-2022

(Sep-29-2022, 10:35 AM)buran Wrote:

Thanks Thumbs Up

I have this code below:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfile
from tkVideoPlayer import TkinterVideo
from random import *
window = Tk()
window.title("Tkinter Play Videos in Video Player")
window.configure(bg="orange red")

canvas = Canvas(window, bg="green")
canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH)

def circle():
    x = randint(0, 299)
    y = randint(0, 299)
    diameter = randint(10, 100)
    circ = canvas.create_oval(x, y, x + diameter, y + diameter)

b = Button(canvas, text="Circle", command=circle)
def open_file():
    file = askopenfile(mode='r', filetypes=[('Video Files', ["*.mp4"])])
    if file is not None:
        global filename
        filename =
        global videoplayer
        videoplayer = TkinterVideo(canvas, scaled=True)
        videoplayer.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
def playAgain():
def StopVideo():
def PauseVideo():

lbl1 = Label(window, text="Tkinter Video Player", bg="orange red", fg="white", font="none 24 bold")
openbtn = Button(window, text='Open', command=lambda: open_file())
openbtn.pack(side=TOP, pady=2)
playbtn = Button(window, text='Play Video', command=lambda: playAgain())
playbtn.pack(side=TOP, pady=3)
stopbtn = Button(window, text='Stop Video', command=lambda: StopVideo())
stopbtn.pack(side=TOP, padx=4)
pausebtn = Button(window, text='Pause Video', command=lambda: PauseVideo())
pausebtn.pack(side=TOP, padx=5)
It puts a video in the canvas and plays it, what I want is when the circle button is pressed a circle will be placed on top of the video playing. However, it places the circle, but keeps it behind it. How can i fix this, I have tried canvas.tag_raise(circ), but have had no luck.

RE: Video in Canvas - deanhystad - Sep-29-2022

You need to redraw the circle each time the video image changes. Since you can't do that with tkinter, you need to look at adding an overlay in the video player. Does TkinterVideo support that? I remember a post in the gui forum about someone doing video with an overlay using tkinter and cv2. Search for that.

RE: Video in Canvas - finndude - Sep-29-2022

(Sep-29-2022, 02:11 PM)deanhystad Wrote: You need to redraw the circle each time the video image changes. Since you can't do that with tkinter, you need to look at adding an overlay in the video player. Does TkinterVideo support that? I remember a post in the gui forum about someone doing video with an overlay using tkinter and cv2. Search for that.

Okay ill have a look

RE: Video in Canvas - joe_momma - Oct-02-2022

Quote: I have tried canvas.tag_raise(circ)
circ is a function not a tag, I believe that the video player isn't a canvas object so any ovals created would be under it on the canvas.

RE: Video in Canvas - finndude - Oct-04-2022

(Oct-02-2022, 01:57 PM)joe_momma Wrote:
Quote: I have tried canvas.tag_raise(circ)
circ is a function not a tag, I believe that the video player isn't a canvas object so any ovals created would be under it on the canvas.

So how would i be able to get them to appear on top?