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reading a table which is of type string - Printable Version

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reading a table which is of type string - saisankalpj - Dec-03-2022

      Date          Count      persons 
------------------- ---------- -------
2022/11/01-12:48:06     51   girls
2022/11/01-12:48:11    104   boys
2022/11/01-12:48:12    155   Total

     Date            Count     persons
------------------- ---------- -------
2022/11/02-12:48:06     30    girls
2022/11/02-12:48:11    10     boys
2022/11/02-12:48:12    40    Total
I have this above data extracted which is of type string.Now how do i read the tables data.Like suppose i want to read the Total(Which is 155 and 40 above) and store it in a variable

RE: reading a table which is of type string - Larz60+ - Dec-03-2022

please show tour code.

RE: reading a table which is of type string - saisankalpj - Dec-03-2022

ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(host, username=username, password=password)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(mycommands to extract data from host)

# This prints the table and i need to extract data from this
# print errors if there are any
err =
if err: