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VBA function convert to python by PysimpleGUI - Printable Version

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VBA function convert to python by PysimpleGUI - SamLiu - Dec-21-2022

Hi All,

Tried to use PysimpleGUI instead of VBA could not do it, please help me check out it, thanks in advance!

Selected file pick up what I want column data and subtract with Target median value get delta then check delta whether in range or not,paint different background color to Text control.
If delta>=0.1 paint background color green.
If delta>=0.2 paint background color pink.
If delta>=0.3 paint background color red.

Last update delta value in each text control(1-35).

The VBA code and check file is attached for your reference.

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pandas as pd
import os



sg.theme('Dark Brown 1')

headings = [['1]', '2]', '3]','4]','5]','6]','7]'],
            ['8]', '9]', '10]','11]','12]','13]','14]'],
            ['15]', '16]', '17]', '18]', '19]', '20]', '21]'],
            ['22]', '23]', '24]', '25]', '26]', '27]', '28]'],
            ['29]', '30]', '31]', '32]', '33]', '34]', '35]'],]
header =  [[sg.Text(headings[row][col],size=(10,5),font=("Helvetica", 15),background_color='white',text_color='red')for col in range(7)] for row in range(5)]

     [sg.Text('Selected File')],
     sg.FilesBrowse(initial_folder=working_directory,file_types=[("CSV Files", "*.csv")])],
     [sg.OK('Check Master',key='OK',size=(10,2)),sg.Exit(size=(10,2))]

input_rows = [[sg.Input(size=(15,1), pad=(0,0)) for col in range(4)] for row in range(10)]


window = sg.Window('Master Check',layout,font='Courier 12')

def read_csv(csv_add):
  return tt

while True:
    event,value =
    if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED,'Exit'):
    elif event == "OK":


RE: VBA function convert to python by PysimpleGUI - SamLiu - Dec-28-2022

Who can help me for the matter. My purpose is click button select *.csv pick up specific column data updated in Text control and compared value in which level then paint different background color with text control.

In other words, how to dynamic updated data in each text control(35 sites) and compared then paint color.