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How to read csv file update matplotlib column chart regularly - Printable Version

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How to read csv file update matplotlib column chart regularly - SamLiu - Jan-20-2023

Hi all,

I want to read csv date and update column charts by matplotlib automatically.
As snapshots first time write log and update column chart by every failed item and then write second time fail log and update column chart by every failed item again(if failed item same add quantity of the failed item)and third time, fourth time......both updated chart.

The key is how to distinguish every failed item, quantity and updated charts.

RE: How to read csv file update matplotlib column chart regularly - Larz60+ - Jan-20-2023

you can use 'sched' the python event scheduler:

RE: How to read csv file update matplotlib column chart regularly - SamLiu - Jan-21-2023

(Jan-20-2023, 11:50 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: you can use 'sched' the python event scheduler:

Thank you for your prompt reply, maybe that is not what I want.
I just want to sort out log file failed item name and quantity(log file continued write)update charts by matplotlib(only keep last chart, in log.xlsx is just a demo).
I am confusing how to distinguish failed item name and quantity dynamically.