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snscrape - Printable Version

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snscrape - pythonical - Mar-11-2023

I'm new to Python. I am trying the snscrape method to scan tweets and save them in tabular format. The code I found from a site works. Here my code:

import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter

scraper = sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper("#yağma")

tweets = []
n_tweets = 50

for i, tweet in tqdm(enumerate(scraper.get_items()), total = n_tweets):
    data=[,, tweet.content, tweet.user.username, tweet.likeCount, tweet.retweetCount]
    if i>n_tweets:
tweet_df = pd.DataFrame(
    tweets, columns=["date", "id", "content", "username", "like_count", "retweet_count"]
But there are some problems:
  1. 1- When I download tweets in xls format, the content of the tweets is limited to 40 characters, I can't see all the content
    2- I can't set language and region for tweets
    3- When there are too many lines, I separate them with three dots and I can only download a limited number of lines. For example:
    1. 1.line: tweet date- content
      2.line tweet date2-content2
      ...... (i cannot see or download these lines)
      1001.line tweetdate1001-content1001
How can I solve these problems