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Namespace flooding with * imports - Printable Version

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Namespace flooding with * imports - metulburr - Sep-01-2016

This is a tutorial of what not to do. Why not to do it, and what to use instead.

What not to use: (this is the most widely used examples)
from pygame import *
from pygame.locals import *

from tkinter import *
from Tkinter import *

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
This is an example of one module overwriting another module.
Let's say you are writing a pygame program. The only thing you are importing is pygame. So you use 
from pygame import *
. Now farther down the line as you are programming, let's say you want to use the time module.
metulburr@ubuntu:~$ python3
Python 3.3.1 (default, Apr 17 2013, 22:30:32) 
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux
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>>> rect
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'rect' is not defined
>>> time
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'time' is not defined
>>> from pygame import *
>>> rect
<module 'pygame.rect' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/dist-packages/pygame/'>
>>> time
<module 'pygame.time' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/dist-packages/pygame/'>
>>> import time
>>> time
<module 'time' (built-in)>
>>> pygame.time
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'pygame' is not defined
At this point there is no way to access pygame.time as you have written over it with the time module. time now refers to the time module not pygame's time. Throughout your program you also have will have a ton of names, that you dont know which module it came from. This is the massive list you put into the namespace:
>>> dir()
['ACTIVEEVENT', 'ANYFORMAT', 'ASYNCBLIT', 'AUDIO_S16', 'AUDIO_S16LSB', 'AUDIO_S16MSB', 'AUDIO_S16SYS', 'AUDIO_S8', 'AUDIO_U16', 'AUDIO_U16LSB', 'AUDIO_U16MSB', 'AUDIO_U16SYS', 'AUDIO_U8', 'BIG_ENDIAN', 'BLEND_ADD', 'BLEND_MAX', 'BLEND_MIN', 'BLEND_MULT', 'BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED', 'BLEND_RGBA_ADD', 'BLEND_RGBA_MAX', 'BLEND_RGBA_MIN', 'BLEND_RGBA_MULT', 'BLEND_RGBA_SUB', 'BLEND_RGB_ADD', 'BLEND_RGB_MAX', 'BLEND_RGB_MIN', 'BLEND_RGB_MULT', 'BLEND_RGB_SUB', 'BLEND_SUB', 'BUTTON_X1', 'BUTTON_X2', 'Color', 'DOUBLEBUF', 'FULLSCREEN', 'GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL', 'GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE', 'GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE', 'GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE', 'GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE', 'GL_ALPHA_SIZE', 'GL_BLUE_SIZE', 'GL_BUFFER_SIZE', 'GL_DEPTH_SIZE', 'GL_DOUBLEBUFFER', 'GL_GREEN_SIZE', 'GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS', 'GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES', 'GL_RED_SIZE', 'GL_STENCIL_SIZE', 'GL_STEREO', 'GL_SWAP_CONTROL', 'HAT_CENTERED', 'HAT_DOWN', 'HAT_LEFT', 'HAT_LEFTDOWN', 'HAT_LEFTUP', 'HAT_RIGHT', 'HAT_RIGHTDOWN', 'HAT_RIGHTUP', 'HAT_UP', 'HWACCEL', 'HWPALETTE', 'HWSURFACE', 'IYUV_OVERLAY', 'JOYAXISMOTION', 'JOYBALLMOTION', 'JOYBUTTONDOWN', 'JOYBUTTONUP', 'JOYHATMOTION', 'KEYDOWN', 'KEYUP', 'KMOD_ALT', 'KMOD_CAPS', 'KMOD_CTRL', 'KMOD_LALT', 'KMOD_LCTRL', 'KMOD_LMETA', 'KMOD_LSHIFT', 'KMOD_META', 'KMOD_MODE', 'KMOD_NONE', 'KMOD_NUM', 'KMOD_RALT', 'KMOD_RCTRL', 'KMOD_RMETA', 'KMOD_RSHIFT', 'KMOD_SHIFT', 'K_0', 'K_1', 'K_2', 'K_3', 'K_4', 'K_5', 'K_6', 'K_7', 'K_8', 'K_9', 'K_AMPERSAND', 'K_ASTERISK', 'K_AT', 'K_BACKQUOTE', 'K_BACKSLASH', 'K_BACKSPACE', 'K_BREAK', 'K_CAPSLOCK', 'K_CARET', 'K_CLEAR', 'K_COLON', 'K_COMMA', 'K_DELETE', 'K_DOLLAR', 'K_DOWN', 'K_END', 'K_EQUALS', 'K_ESCAPE', 'K_EURO', 'K_EXCLAIM', 'K_F1', 'K_F10', 'K_F11', 'K_F12', 'K_F13', 'K_F14', 'K_F15', 'K_F2', 'K_F3', 'K_F4', 'K_F5', 'K_F6', 'K_F7', 'K_F8', 'K_F9', 'K_FIRST', 'K_GREATER', 'K_HASH', 'K_HELP', 'K_HOME', 'K_INSERT', 'K_KP0', 'K_KP1', 'K_KP2', 'K_KP3', 'K_KP4', 'K_KP5', 'K_KP6', 'K_KP7', 'K_KP8', 'K_KP9', 'K_KP_DIVIDE', 'K_KP_ENTER', 'K_KP_EQUALS', 'K_KP_MINUS', 'K_KP_MULTIPLY', 'K_KP_PERIOD', 'K_KP_PLUS', 'K_LALT', 'K_LAST', 'K_LCTRL', 'K_LEFT', 'K_LEFTBRACKET', 'K_LEFTPAREN', 'K_LESS', 'K_LMETA', 'K_LSHIFT', 'K_LSUPER', 'K_MENU', 'K_MINUS', 'K_MODE', 'K_NUMLOCK', 'K_PAGEDOWN', 'K_PAGEUP', 'K_PAUSE', 'K_PERIOD', 'K_PLUS', 'K_POWER', 'K_PRINT', 'K_QUESTION', 'K_QUOTE', 'K_QUOTEDBL', 'K_RALT', 'K_RCTRL', 'K_RETURN', 'K_RIGHT', 'K_RIGHTBRACKET', 'K_RIGHTPAREN', 'K_RMETA', 'K_RSHIFT', 'K_RSUPER', 'K_SCROLLOCK', 'K_SEMICOLON', 'K_SLASH', 'K_SPACE', 'K_SYSREQ', 'K_TAB', 'K_UNDERSCORE', 'K_UNKNOWN', 'K_UP', 'K_a', 'K_b', 'K_c', 'K_d', 'K_e', 'K_f', 'K_g', 'K_h', 'K_i', 'K_j', 'K_k', 'K_l', 'K_m', 'K_n', 'K_o', 'K_p', 'K_q', 'K_r', 'K_s', 'K_t', 'K_u', 'K_v', 'K_w', 'K_x', 'K_y', 'K_z', 'LIL_ENDIAN', 'MOUSEBUTTONDOWN', 'MOUSEBUTTONUP', 'MOUSEMOTION', 'Mask', 'NOEVENT', 'NOFRAME', 'NUMEVENTS', 'OPENGL', 'OPENGLBLIT', 'Overlay', 'PREALLOC', 'PixelArray', 'QUIT', 'RESIZABLE', 'RLEACCEL', 'RLEACCELOK', 'Rect', 'SCRAP_BMP', 'SCRAP_CLIPBOARD', 'SCRAP_PBM', 'SCRAP_PPM', 'SCRAP_SELECTION', 'SCRAP_TEXT', 'SRCALPHA', 'SRCCOLORKEY', 'SWSURFACE', 'SYSWMEVENT', 'Surface', 'SurfaceType', 'TIMER_RESOLUTION', 'USEREVENT', 'USEREVENT_DROPFILE', 'UYVY_OVERLAY', 'VIDEOEXPOSE', 'VIDEORESIZE', 'YUY2_OVERLAY', 'YV12_OVERLAY', 'YVYU_OVERLAY', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', 'base', 'bufferproxy', 'cdrom', 'color', 'colordict', 'compat', 'constants', 'cursors', 'display', 'draw', 'encode_file_path', 'encode_string', 'error', 'event', 'fastevent', 'font', 'get_error', 'get_sdl_byteorder', 'get_sdl_version', 'image', 'init', 'joystick', 'key', 'mask', 'math', 'mixer', 'mixer_music', 'mouse', 'movie', 'overlay', 'packager_imports', 'pixelarray', 'pixelcopy', 'quit', 'rect', 'register_quit', 'rwobject', 'scrap', 'segfault', 'set_error', 'sndarray', 'sprite', 'surface', 'surfarray', 'sysfont', 'threads', 'time', 'transform', 'ver', 'vernum', 'version', 'warn_unwanted_files']
This is just one module. Imagine if you had 10 modules that did this. Could you tell which one came from which?
metulburr@ubuntu:~$ python3
Python 3.3.1 (default, Apr 17 2013, 22:30:32) 
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux
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>>> from pygame import *
>>> from os import *
>>> from sys import *
>>> from django import *
>>> from pyglet import *
>>> from OpenGL import *
>>> dir()
['ACTIVEEVENT', 'ALLOW_NUMPY_SCALARS', 'ANYFORMAT', 'ARRAY_SIZE_CHECKING', 'ASYNCBLIT', 'AUDIO_S16', 'AUDIO_S16LSB', 'AUDIO_S16MSB', 'AUDIO_S16SYS', 'AUDIO_S8', 'AUDIO_U16', 'AUDIO_U16LSB', 'AUDIO_U16MSB', 'AUDIO_U16SYS', 'AUDIO_U8', 'BIG_ENDIAN', 'BLEND_ADD', 'BLEND_MAX', 'BLEND_MIN', 'BLEND_MULT', 'BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED', 'BLEND_RGBA_ADD', 'BLEND_RGBA_MAX', 'BLEND_RGBA_MIN', 'BLEND_RGBA_MULT', 'BLEND_RGBA_SUB', 'BLEND_RGB_ADD', 'BLEND_RGB_MAX', 'BLEND_RGB_MIN', 'BLEND_RGB_MULT', 'BLEND_RGB_SUB', 'BLEND_SUB', 'BUTTON_X1', 'BUTTON_X2', 'CONTEXT_CHECKING', 'Color', 'DOUBLEBUF', 'ERROR_CHECKING', 'ERROR_LOGGING', 'ERROR_ON_COPY', 'FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_ONLY', 'FULLSCREEN', 'FULL_LOGGING', 'FormatHandler', 'GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL', 'GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE', 'GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE', 'GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE', 'GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE', 'GL_ALPHA_SIZE', 'GL_BLUE_SIZE', 'GL_BUFFER_SIZE', 'GL_DEPTH_SIZE', 'GL_DOUBLEBUFFER', 'GL_GREEN_SIZE', 'GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS', 'GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES', 'GL_RED_SIZE', 'GL_STENCIL_SIZE', 'GL_STEREO', 'GL_SWAP_CONTROL', 'HAT_CENTERED', 'HAT_DOWN', 'HAT_LEFT', 'HAT_LEFTDOWN', 'HAT_LEFTUP', 'HAT_RIGHT', 'HAT_RIGHTDOWN', 'HAT_RIGHTUP', 'HAT_UP', 'HWACCEL', 'HWPALETTE', 'HWSURFACE', 'IYUV_OVERLAY', 'JOYAXISMOTION', 'JOYBALLMOTION', 'JOYBUTTONDOWN', 'JOYBUTTONUP', 'JOYHATMOTION', 'KEYDOWN', 'KEYUP', 'KMOD_ALT', 'KMOD_CAPS', 'KMOD_CTRL', 'KMOD_LALT', 'KMOD_LCTRL', 'KMOD_LMETA', 'KMOD_LSHIFT', 'KMOD_META', 'KMOD_MODE', 'KMOD_NONE', 'KMOD_NUM', 'KMOD_RALT', 'KMOD_RCTRL', 'KMOD_RMETA', 'KMOD_RSHIFT', 'KMOD_SHIFT', 'K_0', 'K_1', 'K_2', 'K_3', 'K_4', 'K_5', 'K_6', 'K_7', 'K_8', 'K_9', 'K_AMPERSAND', 'K_ASTERISK', 'K_AT', 'K_BACKQUOTE', 'K_BACKSLASH', 'K_BACKSPACE', 'K_BREAK', 'K_CAPSLOCK', 'K_CARET', 'K_CLEAR', 'K_COLON', 'K_COMMA', 'K_DELETE', 'K_DOLLAR', 'K_DOWN', 'K_END', 'K_EQUALS', 'K_ESCAPE', 'K_EURO', 'K_EXCLAIM', 'K_F1', 'K_F10', 'K_F11', 'K_F12', 'K_F13', 'K_F14', 'K_F15', 'K_F2', 'K_F3', 'K_F4', 'K_F5', 'K_F6', 'K_F7', 'K_F8', 'K_F9', 'K_FIRST', 'K_GREATER', 'K_HASH', 'K_HELP', 'K_HOME', 'K_INSERT', 'K_KP0', 'K_KP1', 'K_KP2', 'K_KP3', 'K_KP4', 'K_KP5', 'K_KP6', 'K_KP7', 'K_KP8', 'K_KP9', 'K_KP_DIVIDE', 'K_KP_ENTER', 'K_KP_EQUALS', 'K_KP_MINUS', 'K_KP_MULTIPLY', 'K_KP_PERIOD', 'K_KP_PLUS', 'K_LALT', 'K_LAST', 'K_LCTRL', 'K_LEFT', 'K_LEFTBRACKET', 'K_LEFTPAREN', 'K_LESS', 'K_LMETA', 'K_LSHIFT', 'K_LSUPER', 'K_MENU', 'K_MINUS', 'K_MODE', 'K_NUMLOCK', 'K_PAGEDOWN', 'K_PAGEUP', 'K_PAUSE', 'K_PERIOD', 'K_PLUS', 'K_POWER', 'K_PRINT', 'K_QUESTION', 'K_QUOTE', 'K_QUOTEDBL', 'K_RALT', 'K_RCTRL', 'K_RETURN', 'K_RIGHT', 'K_RIGHTBRACKET', 'K_RIGHTPAREN', 'K_RMETA', 'K_RSHIFT', 'K_RSUPER', 'K_SCROLLOCK', 'K_SEMICOLON', 'K_SLASH', 'K_SPACE', 'K_SYSREQ', 'K_TAB', 'K_UNDERSCORE', 'K_UNKNOWN', 'K_UP', 'K_a', 'K_b', 'K_c', 'K_d', 'K_e', 'K_f', 'K_g', 'K_h', 'K_i', 'K_j', 'K_k', 'K_l', 'K_m', 'K_n', 'K_o', 'K_p', 'K_q', 'K_r', 'K_s', 'K_t', 'K_u', 'K_v', 'K_w', 'K_x', 'K_y', 'K_z', 'LIL_ENDIAN', 'MODULE_ANNOTATIONS', 'MOUSEBUTTONDOWN', 'MOUSEBUTTONUP', 'MOUSEMOTION', 'Mask', 'NOEVENT', 'NOFRAME', 'NUMEVENTS', 'OPENGL', 'OPENGLBLIT', 'Overlay', 'PREALLOC', 'P_NOWAIT', 'P_NOWAITO', 'P_WAIT', 'PixelArray', 'PlatformPlugin', 'QUIT', 'RESIZABLE', 'RLEACCEL', 'RLEACCELOK', 'Rect', 'SCRAP_BMP', 'SCRAP_CLIPBOARD', 'SCRAP_PBM', 'SCRAP_PPM', 'SCRAP_SELECTION', 'SCRAP_TEXT', 'SEEK_CUR', 'SEEK_END', 'SEEK_SET', 'SIZE_1_ARRAY_UNPACK', 'SRCALPHA', 'SRCCOLORKEY', 'STORE_POINTERS', 'SWSURFACE', 'SYSWMEVENT', 'Surface', 'SurfaceType', 'TIMER_RESOLUTION', 'UNSIGNED_BYTE_IMAGES_AS_STRING', 'USEREVENT', 'USEREVENT_DROPFILE', 'USE_ACCELERATE', 'UYVY_OVERLAY', 'VERSION', 'VIDEOEXPOSE', 'VIDEORESIZE', 'WARN_ON_FORMAT_UNAVAILABLE', 'YUY2_OVERLAY', 'YV12_OVERLAY', 'YVYU_OVERLAY', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '_exit', 'abiflags', 'altsep', 'api_version', 'app', 'argv', 'base', 'base_exec_prefix', 'base_prefix', 'bufferproxy', 'builtin_module_names', 'byteorder', 'call_tracing', 'callstats', 'canvas', 'cdrom', 'clock', 'color', 'colordict', 'com', 'compat', 'constants', 'copyright', 'curdir', 'cursors', 'defpath', 'devnull', 'display', 'displayhook', 'dont_write_bytecode', 'draw', 'encode_file_path', 'encode_string', 'environb', 'error', 'event', 'exc_info', 'excepthook', 'exec_prefix', 'execl', 'execle', 'execlp', 'execlpe', 'executable', 'execvp', 'execvpe', 'exit', 'extsep', 'fastevent', 'fdopen', 'flags', 'float_info', 'float_repr_style', 'font', 'fsdecode', 'fsencode', 'fwalk', 'get_error', 'get_exec_path', 'get_sdl_byteorder', 'get_sdl_version', 'get_version', 'getcheckinterval', 'getdefaultencoding', 'getdlopenflags', 'getenv', 'getenvb', 'getfilesystemencoding', 'getprofile', 'getrecursionlimit', 'getrefcount', 'getsizeof', 'getswitchinterval', 'gettrace', 'gl', 'graphics', 'hash_info', 'hexversion', 'image', 'implementation', 'init', 'input', 'int_info', 'intern', 'joystick', 'key', 'lib', 'linesep', 'makedirs', 'mask', 'math', 'maxsize', 'maxunicode', 'media', 'meta_path', 'mixer', 'mixer_music', 'modules', 'mouse', 'movie', 'name', 'options', 'os', 'overlay', 'packager_imports', 'pardir', 'path', 'path_hooks', 'path_importer_cache', 'pathsep', 'pixelarray', 'pixelcopy', 'platform', 'plugins', 'popen', 'prefix', 'ps1', 'ps2', 'putenv', 'quit', 'rect', 'register_quit', 'removedirs', 'renames', 'resource', 'rwobject', 'scrap', 'segfault', 'sep', 'set_error', 'setcheckinterval', 'setdlopenflags', 'setprofile', 'setrecursionlimit', 'setswitchinterval', 'settrace', 'sndarray', 'spawnl', 'spawnle', 'spawnlp', 'spawnlpe', 'spawnv', 'spawnve', 'spawnvp', 'spawnvpe', 'sprite', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'supports_bytes_environ', 'surface', 'surfarray', 'sys', 'sysfont', 'text', 'thread_info', 'threads', 'time', 'transform', 'unsetenv', 'ver', 'vernum', 'version', 'version_info', 'walk', 'warn_unwanted_files', 'warnoptions', 'window']
Here is the way to stop this:
metulburr@ubuntu:~$ python3
Python 3.3.1 (default, Apr 17 2013, 22:30:32) 
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pygame
>>> pygame.time
<module 'pygame.time' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/dist-packages/pygame/'>
>>> import time
>>> time
<module 'time' (built-in)>
>>> pygame.time
<module 'pygame.time' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/dist-packages/pygame/'>
At this point I have access to both pygame.time and the time module. In addition, i also know exactly which one is which. That massive list is now this small.
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', 'pygame', 'time']
You may think it is a convenience factor to not have to write pygame.K_SPACE and just write K_SPACE. You can shorten the name of pygame, for example:
import pygame as pg
which at that point the previous code becomes:
pg.K_SPACE. It is distinguished where it came from, doesn't overwrite, and is shorter. Long story short: Do not fall in the habit of using * imports.

RE: Namespace flooding with * imports - micseydel - Oct-03-2016

This is a great explanation of the problems with using star imports, but I thought it worth mentioning that PEP 8 also discourages its use explicitly,

PEP 8 Wrote:Wildcard imports (from <module> import *) should be avoided, as they make it unclear which names are present in the namespace, confusing both readers and many automated tools. There is one defensible use case for a wildcard import, which is to republish an internal interface as part of a public API (for example, overwriting a pure Python implementation of an interface with the definitions from an optional accelerator module and exactly which definitions will be overwritten isn't known in advance).