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mysql Workbench export script - how to skip version check.. - Printable Version

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mysql Workbench export script - how to skip version check.. - AndreVerwijs - Jul-17-2017

mysql Workbench export script ( - how do i skip version check...?? Evil
version numbers of Workbench bundle and mysql bundle are diffrent
so i can't run database export.... Angry

def get_mysqldump_version():
    path = get_path_to_mysqldump()
    if not path:
        log_error("mysqldump command was not found, please install it or configure it in Edit -> Preferences -> MySQL")
        return None
    output = StringIO.StringIO()
    rc = local_run_cmd('"%s" --version' % path, output_handler=output.write)
    output = output.getvalue()
    if rc or not output:
        log_error("Error retrieving version from %s:\n%s (exit %s)"%(path, output, rc))
        return None
    s = re.match(".*Distrib ([\d.a-z]+).*", output)
    if not s:
        log_error("Could not parse version number from %s:\n%s"%(path, output))
        return None
    version_group = s.groups()[0]
    major, minor, revision = [int(i) for i in version_group.split(".")[:3]]
    return Version(major, minor, revision)

RE: mysql Workbench export script - how to skip version check.. - AndreVerwijs - Jul-17-2017

nevermind, found it... phyton script looks at "PATH" variable to find mysqldump and to get version number....