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Udacity while loop question - liquidmetalrob - Jul-21-2017

I'm doing the Intro to Computer Science course on Udacity and I'm trying to:

#Define a procedure, find_last, that takes as input
# two strings, a search string and a target string,
# and returns the last position in the search string
# where the target string appears, or -1 if there
# are no occurrences.
# Example: find_last('aaaa', 'a') returns 3

# Make sure your procedure has a return statement.

This is my attempt, but it won't work. Can anyone explain what I did wrong?

def find_last(text,s):
   x = -1
   b = text[x]
   while b != s:
       x = x-1
   return x

RE: Udacity while loop question - Larz60+ - Jul-21-2017

the following line is not valid code
b = text[x]
what is this supposed to do?

RE: Udacity while loop question - liquidmetalrob - Jul-21-2017

b = text[x]

This is supposed to assign to b the letter of the string at position x, which is assigned to -1 at the top.
I've tested it and it works though.

text = 'abcabcabcabc'
x = -1
b = text[x]
print b
The result that is printed is 'c'.

RE: Udacity while loop question - buran - Jul-21-2017

(Jul-21-2017, 01:00 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: the following line is not valid code
b = text[x]
what is this supposed to do?

Actually it is :-)

>>> text = 'sometext'
>>> x=-1
>>> b=text[x]
>>> b

RE: Udacity while loop question - ichabod801 - Jul-21-2017

The point is that when you change x, b is not changed. So you are always testing the last letter of the string (b). You want to test directly on text[x].

However, that is only going to work for single character search strings. If you have a two character search string, like find_last('aababcabcd', 'ab'), it will never match. You might want to look at the startswith method of strings.

RE: Udacity while loop question - sparkz_alot - Jul-21-2017

And stop using single letter variables.

RE: Udacity while loop question - nilamo - Jul-21-2017

Luckily, that's actually already built into python.

>>> find_last = lambda haystack, needle: haystack.rfind(needle)
>>> find_last("ababababspam", "ab")
>>> find_last("ababababspam", "cat")
>>> help(str.rfind)
Help on method_descriptor:

   S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int

   Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found,
   such that sub is contained within S[start:end].  Optional
   arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.

   Return -1 on failure.