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Better python library to create ER Diagram by using pandas data frames as tables - Printable Version

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Better python library to create ER Diagram by using pandas data frames as tables - klllmmm - Oct-19-2023

I'm looking for a better python library to create ER diagrams.

I want to input pandas tables as tables and then add relationships between tables.

I tried many libraries, finally found this "pandaserd" library but it doesn't create visualized diagram as file output, instead it require to paste the output code to another web page to generate the visual.

import pandaserd

# Create two DataFrames, one for each entity in the ERD
customer_df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol']})
order_df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [1, 2, 3], 'customer_id': [1, 2, 3]})

# Create a pandaserd.ERD object
erd = pandaserd.ERD()

# Add the DataFrames to the ERD object
erd.add_table( customer_df,'Customer', bg_color='pink')
erd.add_table(order_df,'Order', bg_color='skyblue' )
# Specify the relationship between the entities
erd.create_rel('Customer', 'Order', left_on='id', right_on='customer_id', left_cardinality='*', right_cardinality='*')

erd.write_to_file('output.txt') written to output.txt; visit to render ERD
Is there a proper working python library to create ER diagrams as visual file with proper connectors?

Thanks in advance