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What a difference print() makes - Printable Version

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What a difference print() makes - Mark17 - Oct-19-2023

Hi all,

list1 = ["cat", "dog", "cat", "dog"]
If I enter that in a Jupyter Notebook cell then the output is: 2

list1 = ["cat", "dog", "cat", "dog"]
If I enter that in a Jupyter Notebook cell then the output is 0 with 2 on the very next line.

The .index() and .count() functions are being called in both programs but in the first, the second function return replaces the first function return. How would I explain this observation in pythonic terms?


RE: What a difference print() makes - deanhystad - Oct-19-2023

Great example here:

Which says:
Quote:In general, the output of a cell comes from any text data specifically printed during the cell's execution, as well as the value of the last line in the cell, be it a lone variable, a function call, or something else.
If you ran this cell:
list1 = ["cat", "dog", "cat", "dog"]
f"It is raining {list1[0]}s and {list[1]}s"
The output would be
cat dog It is raining cats and dogs
The python interactive interpreter does something similar, but it automaticlly prints output at the end of each line, not each cell.
>>> print("spam") spam >>> print(["spam"] * 4) ['spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam'] >>> ", ".join(["spam"] * 4) 'spam, spam, spam, spam' >>>

RE: What a difference print() makes - DeaD_EyE - Oct-20-2023

As a side note, you could iterate over the enumerate(list1) and then you get (index, list_element).
list1 = ["cat", "dog", "cat", "dog"]

def get_all_indicies(iterable, item):
    for index, elemnt in enumerate(iterable):
        if item == elemnt:
            yield index

all_indicies = list(get_all_indicies(list1, "cat"))
Otherwise, you can use list1.index("item_to_find", START_INDEX).
list1 = ["cat", "dog", "cat", "dog"]

def get_all_indicies(list_like, item):
    index = 0

    while True:
            index = list_like.index(item, index)
            yield index
        except ValueError:

        index += 1

list(get_all_indicies(list1, "cat"))