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code management - trix - Oct-22-2023

i was wondering how you normaly have to work with the code files.

i gonna make a big code whit different files, where i have to work on a lot of times.
when i want to add (or change) something to my code, how i gonna do that ?
1 - plug in the pico to my laptop and make the changes on the pico ? and make a copy on the laptop.
2 - make the changes on the laptop en "down load" the files to the pico ?
i am wondering how this normaly goes ?

tnx. in advance.

RE: code management - deanhystad - Oct-22-2023

You'll have more success asking this question on a Raspberry Pi Pico forum.

I've never used a Pico, nor any Raspberry Pi product, but I do some embedded controller work. I use VS Code on my laptop and do cross development of code residing on the embedded controller. Take that as a very uninformed opinion.

RE: code management - ndc85430 - Oct-23-2023

A few general thoughts:

1. Use version control (e.g. Git) to keep track of your changes.

2. Write automated tests so that you can make sure your code continues to work as you change it (see, e.g.

RE: code management - buran - Oct-23-2023

As mentioned by @ndc85430
1. Use version control system. Git is a popular one, incl. there are several popular options for cloud integration
Here you can start familiarize with git

Popular cloud platforms:

There is also nice integration with popular IDEs like VSCode and PyCharm

As for the tests- pytest is popular framework. There are others too, incl. ones in standard library. You can google it for more details