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currency converter using forex-python - Printable Version

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currency converter using forex-python - preethy12ka4 - Mar-06-2024

I installed forex-python as pip in cmd and package in pycharm
I used an online code for currency conversion, which is throwing an error as shown below.
from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
cr = CurrencyRates()
amount = int(input("Please enter the amount you want to convert: "))
from_currency = input("Please enter the currency code that has to be converted: ").upper()
to_currency = input("Please enter the currency code to convert: ").upper()
print("You are converting", amount, from_currency, "to", to_currency,".")
output = cr.convert(from_currency, to_currency, amount)
print("The converted rate is:", output)
Please enter the amount you want to convert: 123 Please enter the currency code that has to be converted: usd Please enter the currency code to convert: cad You are converting 123 USD to CAD .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\13366\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\Project assignment\currency", line 8, in <module> output = cr.convert(from_currency, to_currency, amount) File "C:\Users\13366\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\lib\site-packages\forex_python\", line 108, in convert raise RatesNotAvailableError("Currency Rates Source Not Ready") forex_python.converter.RatesNotAvailableError: Currency Rates Source Not Ready Process finished with exit code 1

RE: currency converter using forex-python - Gribouillis - Mar-07-2024

(Mar-06-2024, 10:48 PM)preethy12ka4 Wrote: I used an online code for currency conversion, which is throwing an error as shown below.
The answer is in the source code. The module tries to fetch a web resource at the site with a date parameter, and it receives a response status different from 200 which it interpretes as an unsuccessful request.

There is nothing you can do except perhaps file an issue to the developer. If you look at the issues in the project page, you will see that several people have similar problems using this package.

RE: currency converter using forex-python - snippsat - Mar-07-2024

Quick test is down,if look at
def _source_url(self):
     return ""
So the theforexapi👀 is down,then nothing will work in this library.

If look at isssus so has ddofborg has done a altentaive.
Test it no has PyPi install just a Repo,so clone down and run.
(forex_env) λ git clone
Cloning into 'exchange_rates'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 25, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Total 25 (delta 10), reused 6 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (25/25), 8.59 KiB | 4.29 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10/10), done.

(forex_env) λ ls
exchange_rates/  Include/  Lib/  pyvenv.cfg  Scripts/

(forex_env) λ cd exchange_rates\

G:\div_code\forex_env\exchange_rates (main -> origin)
(forex_env) λ ptpython
>>> from exchange_rates import get_exchange_rates
>>> get_exchange_rates('USD', target_currencies=['EUR', 'CAD', 'USD'], on_date='2023-10-01')
{'EUR': 0.9496676163342831, 'CAD': 1.3613485280151947, 'USD': 1.0}

# Test a newer date
>>> get_exchange_rates('USD', target_currencies=['EUR', 'CAD', 'USD'], on_date='2024-03-05')
{'EUR': 0.9217439395335976, 'CAD': 1.3592957876301963, 'USD': 1.0}

RE: currency converter using forex-python - snippsat - Mar-07-2024

Also if do some coding can extend exchange_rates to do your task.
from exchange_rates import get_exchange_rates

def conversion_rate(base_currency, target_currency, on_date=None):
    rates = get_exchange_rates(base_currency, target_currencies=[target_currency], on_date=on_date)
    return rates[target_currency]

def convert_currency(base_currency, target_currency, amount, on_date=None):
    rate = conversion_rate(base_currency, target_currency, on_date=on_date)
    return amount * rate

if __name__ == '__main__':
    base_currency = 'USD'
    target_currency = 'CAD'
    amount = 123
    date = '2024-03-07'
    converted_amount = convert_currency(base_currency, target_currency, amount, on_date=date)
    print(f"123 USD is equivalent to {converted_amount:.3f} {target_currency} on {date}")
123 USD is equivalent to 166.013 CAD on 2024-03-07

RE: currency converter using forex-python - preethy12ka4 - Mar-07-2024

I used a package called CurrencyConverter and it worked fine. Thank you for the reply

RE: currency converter using forex-python - snippsat - Mar-07-2024

(Mar-07-2024, 11:36 PM)preethy12ka4 Wrote: thank you for the reply. I am really new to python and learning things. i installed the package exchange_rates in pycharm. I ran the code you gave me and it is throwing the below error. have I installed the wrong package ?
Yes wrong package,as mention code is not on PyPi is a Repo exchange_rates.
So can clone down code as i show using Git.
Or if click at green code button there is a Download Zip link.

RE: currency converter using forex-python - preethy12ka4 - Mar-08-2024

can you please help me do an exception if we enter a wrong currency code

from currency_converter import CurrencyConverter
cr = CurrencyConverter()
amount = float(input("Please enter the amount you want to convert: "))
from_currency = input("Please enter the currency code that has to be converted: ").upper()
to_currency = input("Please enter the currency code to convert: ").upper()
print("You are converting", amount, from_currency, "to", to_currency,".")
output = cr.convert(amount,from_currency, to_currency )
except exit:

RE: currency converter using forex-python - snippsat - Mar-08-2024

Example like this.
    cr = CurrencyConverter()
    amount = float(input("Please enter the amount you want to convert: "))
    from_currency = input("Please enter the currency code that has to be converted: ").upper()
    to_currency = input("Please enter the currency code to convert: ").upper()
    print(f"You are converting {amount} {from_currency} to {to_currency}.")
    output = cr.convert(amount, from_currency, to_currency)
    print(f"{amount} {from_currency} equals {output} {to_currency}")
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid input! Please ensure the amount is a number.")
except Exception as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")

RE: currency converter using forex-python - preethy12ka4 - Mar-08-2024

thank you for the help, it worked