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How to communicate between Electron Framework and python - Printable Version

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How to communicate between Electron Framework and python - Abdul_Rafey - Mar-09-2024

I am trying to make a face recognition attendance system for schools using Python and Electron. I am using multiprocessing in Python which will create a new process for each camera which will open parallelly to record attendance for students. I achieved success in setting a communication medium between Electron and Python but when it comes to multiprocessing in Python, I got errors. I tried to set communication medium using ZMQ, Flask and WebSocket but I failed each time when using multiprocessing.

is there any way of communication which allow

* bi-directional communication between electron and each process created with multiprocessing library in python for opening camera and perform face recognition.
* less over heads
* fast and efficient
* cross-platform
* work offline
* work well with multiprocessing