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Using PyTorch to implement a deep learning model - Emmanuel Katto - Printable Version

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Using PyTorch to implement a deep learning model - Emmanuel Katto - emmanuelkattouganda - Jun-26-2024

Hi all, I am Emmanuel Katto from Uganda. I'm trying to use PyTorch to implement a deep learning model for image classification, but I'm having trouble with model interpretation and feature importance. I've tried using the torchvision library, but I'm not sure how to extract meaningful insights from my model's predictions.

Can anyone provide guidance on how to interpret the results of a PyTorch model, including any recommendations for techniques or tools for feature importance analysis or visualizing model output? Are there any resources or tutorials that can help me improve my understanding of deep learning model interpretability?

Emmanuel Katto

RE: Using PyTorch to implement a deep learning model - Emmanuel Katto - Larz60+ - Jun-26-2024

You'll find a bunch of tutorials here.
Perhaps one of these will help.