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Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - Printable Version

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Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - donchris - Aug-22-2017

Hi guys,
I tried downloading the latest version of python but was unable to install it on my window 7 64bits as it was asking me to download window service pack 1 which I try doing but non of the link I downloaded it from produced a positive result. Can someone point me in the right direction pls?

RE: Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - Larz60+ - Aug-22-2017

The service pack is downloaded from Microsoft
You may have to do an MS update before you can install the service pack.
I believe that it may be part of the MS update process.

RE: Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - donchris - Aug-22-2017

I've tried that too but the update was not responding.
Wondering what I'm doing wrong?

RE: Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - Larz60+ - Aug-22-2017

This is an OS issue, not a python issue

RE: Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - sparkz_alot - Aug-22-2017

Not sure there still is an "update" option for Windows 7. You can still manually download and install it from this MS site (with instructions) Windows 7 SP1.  Make sure you logoff/on or reboot after install. To see if it's already installed, check here:

If installed, remove any Python installs, temp files etc. relating to Python. Then try and re-install.  If it still says you need SP!, you'll have to consult MS or a Windows forum.

RE: Error installing python 3.6+ on PC - metulburr - Aug-22-2017

If that fails you can always just delete windows and install linux overtop of it. You might think i am kidding but i am not. Linux is generally easier to code one. There are light-weight options if your system cant handle the latest. Linux comes with a compiler, python2.x and some with python3.x as well. Its needed for the system; unlike windows. You can update security features on linux, bugfixes with linux that you cant for windows 7 anymore.

a few beginner linux distros....
There are even some desktops/distros that looks identical to win7
Linux Lite is like Ubuntu but without the bloat and made for smaller hardware

There are so many linux distros its ridiculous.