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Pygame Particle Generator - Printable Version

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Pygame Particle Generator - nilamo - Aug-25-2017

Here's a little something I've been messing around with the past couple nights.  By setting a few initial properties, such as where particles are generated, the direction they travel, how long they last, and what color they should be, very neat things can be easily done.  As a sample, here's a snow storm with a small campfire.  As particles age out, they're deleted and replaced with new particles.  Complete with a screenshot!

The screenshot looks like trash, but it looks much better while running. Give it a shot, let me know what you think :)

import random
import pygame

screen_size = (1200, 600)

class Color:
    BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
    DARK_GRAY = (200, 200, 200)
    BLUE = (0, 100, 255)
    RED = (255, 0, 0)
    YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
    WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

class Vector2:
    def __init__(self, x=None, y=None):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Vector2(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Vector2(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)

    def __mul__(self, val):
        return Vector2(self.x * val, self.y * val)

    def __truediv__(self, val):
        return Vector2(self.x / val, self.y / val)

    def coords(self):
        return (self.x, self.y)
    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.coords())

surface_cache = {}
def get_surface(size, color):
    key = (size, color)
    if key not in surface_cache:
        surface = pygame.surface.Surface(size)
        surface_cache[key] = surface
    return surface_cache[key]

class Particle:
    def __init__(self, position=None, movement=None, color=Color.BLACK, age=10, width=1, height=1):
        # where it starts
        position.x -= width
        position.y -= height
        self.position = position

        # how far it should move, per second
        self.speed = movement

        self.age = 0
        self.max_age = age
        self.surface = get_surface((width, height), color)
        self.visible = True

    def update(self, delta=0):
        self.position += self.speed * delta / 1000

        self.age += delta / 1000
        alpha = 256 * (1 - (self.age / self.max_age))
        return alpha > 0

    def draw(self, screen):
        screen.blit(self.surface, self.position.coords())

class ParticleEngine:
    def __init__(self, particle_count=0, color=Color.BLACK, width_range=(0, 1), height_range=(0, 1), x_start_range=(0, 1), y_start_range=(0, 1), x_direction_range=(1, 2), y_direction_range=(1, 2), age_range=(1, 2)):
        self.particle_count = particle_count
        self.color = color
        self.width_range = width_range
        self.height_range = height_range
        self.x_start_range = x_start_range
        self.x_direction_range = x_direction_range
        self.y_start_range = y_start_range
        self.y_direction_range = y_direction_range
        self.age_range = age_range
        self.particles = []

    def _generate_value(self, range):
        return min(range) + (random.random() * abs(range[0] - range[1]))

    def spawn(self):
        # don't spawn too many at once, so we don't slow down the update loop too much between draws
        per_tick = 100
        start_count = len(self.particles)
        while self.particle_count > len(self.particles) and len(self.particles) - start_count < per_tick:
            x_pos = self._generate_value(self.x_start_range)
            y_pos = self._generate_value(self.y_start_range)
            start_position = Vector2(x_pos, y_pos)

            x_move = self._generate_value(self.x_direction_range)
            y_move = self._generate_value(self.y_direction_range)
            movement = Vector2(x_move, y_move)

            max_age = self._generate_value(self.age_range)
            width = self._generate_value(self.width_range)
            height = self._generate_value(self.height_range)
            self.particles.append(Particle(position=start_position, movement=movement, color=self.color, age=max_age, width=width, height=height))

    def update(self, delta):
        # update all particles, removing those that have died
        self.particles = [particle for particle in self.particles if particle.update(delta)]
    def draw(self, screen):
        for particle in self.particles:
def build_particle_engines():
    snow = ParticleEngine(
        particle_count=1000, color=Color.WHITE,
        width_range=(1, 3), height_range=(1, 5),
        x_start_range=(0, screen_size[0]), y_start_range=(0, 0),
        x_direction_range=(-5, 5), y_direction_range=(10, 50),
        age_range=(2, 15)

    # less sleet than snow, but it falls faster
    # think of it as "heavier" than snow, so it also has less horizontal movement, and is smaller
    # this might look very similar to snow, but keep in mind that it's the minor changes that make things seem "real"
    sleet = ParticleEngine(
        particle_count=500, color=Color.DARK_GRAY,
        width_range=(1, 2), height_range=(2, 3),
        x_start_range=(0, screen_size[0]), y_start_range=(0, 0),
        x_direction_range=(-2, 2), y_direction_range=(40, 80),
        age_range=(1, 12)

    center = screen_size[0] / 2
    fire = ParticleEngine(
        particle_count=10, color=Color.RED,
        width_range=(1, 2), height_range=(1, 5),
        x_start_range=(center, center), y_start_range=(screen_size[1], screen_size[1]),
        x_direction_range=(-5, 5), y_direction_range=(-50, -10),
        age_range=(1, 5)

    warm_fire = ParticleEngine(
        particle_count=5, color=Color.YELLOW,
        width_range=(1, 2), height_range=(1, 2),
        x_start_range=(center, center), y_start_range=(screen_size[1], screen_size[1]),
        x_direction_range=(-5, 5), y_direction_range=(-10, -5),
        age_range=(1, 3)

    return [snow, sleet, fire, warm_fire]

def game_loop():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size)
    engines = build_particle_engines()
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    delta = 0

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == 27:


        for engine in engines:

        # max fps=60
        delta = clock.tick(60)


RE: Pygame Particle Generator - Larz60+ - Aug-25-2017

That is very cool!

RE: Pygame Particle Generator - DeaD_EyE - Aug-25-2017

Cool :-)

One small tiny improvement: Put surface_cache (line no 37) into the function.

RE: Pygame Particle Generator - nilamo - Aug-25-2017

(Aug-25-2017, 11:14 AM)DeaD_EyE Wrote: Cool :-)

One small tiny improvement: Put surface_cache (line no 37) into the function.

I wasn't sure what you meant, so I tried it out. I thought only lists worked like that, not dicts. Neat :)
>>> def cached(key, cache={}):
...   if key in cache:
...     return cache[key]
...   print("cache miss!")
...   cache[key] = "spam"
...   return cache[key]
>>> cached("eggs")
cache miss!
>>> cached(42)
cache miss!
>>> cached("eggs")
Either way, I'm not sure it's needed. It just felt a little wasteful to have 1000 copies of the exact same thing in memory, so blitting one copy in multiple places felt better lol

RE: Pygame Particle Generator - DeaD_EyE - Aug-27-2017

I should clarify that.

My intention was to encapsulate the cache. You can do the trick inside the function definition. I think the most people don't know, that mutable objects are created at function definition time. This is odd.

The easiest way is, to define the cache-dictionary outside of the function and call it explicit with the function.

# instead of
def foo(cache={}):
    # code

# explicit
def foo(cache):
    # code
Alternatives can be a class or a closure. But for a class the function is too minimal.