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why not accuracy working - Printable Version

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why not accuracy working - rajeev1729 - Sep-12-2017

import math; #For pow and sqrt
from random import shuffle;

###_Read Data_###
def ReadData(fileName):
    #Read the file, splitting by lines
    f = open(fileName,'r');
    lines =;

    #Split the first line by commas, remove the last element
    #and save the length of the rest.
    featuresNumber = len(lines[0].split(','));

    items = [];
    classes = [];
    features = lines[0].split(',')[:-1];

    for i in range(1, len(lines)):
        line = lines[i].split(',');

        if(line[-1] not in classes):

        itemFeatures = {"Class" : line[-1], "Bias" : 1};

        for j in range(len(features)):
            f = features[j]; #Get the feature at index j
            v = float(line[j]);

            itemFeatures[f] = v;


    return items,classes,features;

###_Evaluation Functions_###
def K_FoldValidation(K, Items, rate, epochs, classes, features):
    if(K > len(Items)):
        return -1;

    correct = 0; #The number of correct classifications
    total = len(Items)*(K-1); #The total number of classifications

    l = len(Items)/K; #The length of a fold

    for i in range(K):
        #Split data set into training and testing
        trainingSet = Items[i*l:(i+1)*l];
        testSet = Items[:i*l] + Items[(i+1)*l:];

        weights = CalculateWeights(trainingSet, rate, epochs, classes, features);

        for item in testSet:
            itemClass = item["Class"];

            itemFeatures = {};

            for key in item:
                if(key != "Class"):
                    #If key isn't "Class", add it to itemFeatures
                    itemFeatures[key] = item[key];
            guess = Perceptron(itemFeatures, weights);

            if(guess == itemClass):
                #Guessed correctly
                correct += 1;

    return correct/float(total);

def Evaluate(times, K, Items, rate, epochs, classes, features):
    accuracy = 0;
    for t in range(times):
        accuracy += K_FoldValidation(K, Items, rate, epochs, classes, features);

    print (accuracy/float(times));

###_Auxiliary Functions_###
def AddDictionaries(d1, d2, rate):
    d3 = {};
    for i in d1:
        d3[i] = d1[i] + rate*d2[i];

    return d3;

def SubDictionaries(d1, d2, rate):
    d3 = {};
    for i in d1:
        d3[i] = d1[i] - rate*d2[i];

    return d3;

def CalculateConfidence(item, weight):
    #Add the product of the weight and item values for each feature
    confidence = 0;

    for k in weight:
        confidence += weight[k]*item[k];

    return confidence;

###_Core Functions_###
def CalculateWeights(trainingSet, rate, epochs, classes, features):
    #Initialize weights at 0
    weights = {};

    #Initialize weights dictionary. Weights is divided in classes.
    #Each class has its own dictionary, which is numerical values/weights
    #for the features.
    for c in classes:
        weights[c] = {"Bias":0};
        for f in features:
            weights[c][f] = 0;

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for item in trainingSet:
            #Iterate through trainingSet
            #Guess where item belongs
            y = -1;
            guess = "";
            for w in weights:
                confidence = CalculateConfidence(item, weights[w]);

                if(confidence > y):
                    y = confidence;
                    guess = w;

            correct = item["Class"];
            if(correct != guess):
                weights[guess] = SubDictionaries(weights[guess], item, rate);
                weights[correct] = AddDictionaries(weights[correct], item, rate);

    return weights;

def Perceptron(item, weights):
    item["Bias"] = 1; #Augment item vector with bias
    m = -1; #Hold the maximum
    classification = "";

    #Calculate chance of item being in each class,
    #pick the maximum.
    for w in weights:
        #Multiply the item vector with the class weights vector
        guess = CalculateConfidence(item, weights[w]);
        if(guess > m):
            #Our guess is better than our current best guess,
            #update max and classification
            m = guess;
            classification = w;

    return classification;

def main():
    items, classes, features = ReadData('data.txt');

    lRate = 0.1;
    epochs = 50;
    weights = CalculateWeights(items, lRate, epochs, classes, features);

    item = {'PW' : 1.4, 'PL' : 4.7, 'SW' : 3.2, 'SL' : 7.0};
    print (Perceptron(item, weights));

    Evaluate(100, 5, items, lRate, epochs, classes, features);

if __name__ == "__main__":
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\python\program\Machine Learning\Classifiers\Perceptron\", line 176, in <module>
File "C:\python\program\Machine Learning\Classifiers\Perceptron\", line 173, in main
Evaluate(100, 5, items, lRate, epochs, classes, features);
File "C:\python\program\Machine Learning\Classifiers\Perceptron\", line 80, in Evaluate
accuracy += K_FoldValidation(K, Items, rate, epochs, classes, features);
File "C:\python\program\Machine Learning\Classifiers\Perceptron\", line 53, in K_FoldValidation
trainingSet = Items[i*l:(i+1)*l];
TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method

RE: why not accuracy working - ichabod801 - Sep-12-2017

The variable l is likely a float, since it comes from division on line 49. That's making your slices on line 53 floats as well, which is not allowed. Use int() to convert l into an integer so you can use it as an index in a slice.