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Query related to automation testing of database - Printable Version

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Query related to automation testing of database - purnima1 - Sep-29-2017

Hi all,

I am new in python. I actually want to know where we can use it practically .

I want to give brief about my project and want to discuss whether it is good case to use python in this or not .

My project is MDM(master data management ) which we all know is maintaining one single gold copy of data (row ) for a given entity( e.g. people) .Since we have multiple sources we are getting multiple information from different source for a given row . We actually cleanse that data (as in follow some rules and prepare clean data ) and then find relationships i.e. how many rows are related to each other based on some rules.

After that when we have created group using rules in that group we create gold row.

we are using OEDQ and oracle plsql pakcages to do all this .

on daily basis for a given table no.of rows and columns values are changing .

So I just want to understand Should you we use python to do regression and automation testing for this

or it used only for Front end only