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How to do reprocessing H264 data to image/video - Printable Version

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How to do reprocessing H264 data to image/video - somethingunexpected - Oct-03-2017

I have been working on a project which blows my mind.

First of all, I have an IP camera that streams H264 data. I am able to stream it with its RTSP url via VLC/ffmpeg/python (rtsp://ip:port/PSIA/Streaming/channels/2?videoCodecType=H.264). So, there is nothing to worry about streaming.

However, on the project, camera is connected to the another system. This system gives the H264 data via ethernet to my PC, so camera is not connected directly to the PC. The system gives the data in every 10 ms at 1000 bytes. For example, if incoming data is 800 bytes, it adds 200 null bytes.

What I can do is to extract these null bytes and take the raw data via a socket. For latency, I use thread module so there is no data leakage.

What I gotta do is to turn these raw H264 data to an image sequence or a video that can be displayed via VLC, ffmpeg, Classic Media Player etc.

I preferrebly want to write my code in Python and every operation has to be in real-time. So, any help would be appreciated.

RE: How to do reprocessing H264 data to image/video - sparkz_alot - Oct-03-2017

Since we are not going to write the code for you, perhaps you can show us what you have tried so far. Sometimes a simple web search will result in some surprising results :-)