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Executing a MySQL Stored Procedure with variable - Printable Version

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Executing a MySQL Stored Procedure with variable - UtiliseIT - Oct-28-2017


Newbie here just trying to get a simple insert SP that requires 1 parameter (called BrandandRetailer) with PyMySQL.

Cant quite get the syntax right and was hoping for some assistance. Followed but she is still not working. Lambda says

name 'sql' is not defined: NameError

with conn.cursor() as cursor:
        # Call Stored Procedure

        args = [(event['BrandandRetailer'],)]
        result_args = cursor.callproc('IH_SP_AddBrandAndRetailer', args)

        # connection is not autocommit by default. So you must commit to save
        # your changes.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
