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Error in a "for" loop - Printable Version

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Error in a "for" loop - sylas - Oct-31-2017

Hi all! It seems easy but it is not. Thanks for your help.
text = "13 16 19 23"
x = text.split()
print(x)  # x is a list of sytrigs
print(x[0])  # print first item
print(float(x[0]))  # convert string to number
print("convert the whole list" =
for i in range(4):  # syntax error
# for i in text.split():   #syntax error
/usr/bin/python3.5 /home/sylvain/PycharmProjects/Py2/   File "/home/sylvain/PycharmProjects/Py2/", line 8     for i in range(4):       ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax Process finished with exit code 1

tagged code:
text = "13 16 19 23"
x = text.split()
print(x)  # x is a list of sytrigs
print(x[0])  # print first item
print(float(x[0]))  # convert string to number
print("convert the whole list" =
for i in range(4):  # syntax error
# for i in text.split():   #syntax error

RE: Error in a "for" loop - buran - Oct-31-2017

check your line 7

RE: Error in a "for" loop - sylas - Oct-31-2017

Thank you Buran. You have good eyes, but not me.

RE: Error in a "for" loop - nilamo - Oct-31-2017

Sometimes, with Syntax errors, you need to check the line before where it says the error is.  And that's because of things like this, where a closing parenthesis is expected, but something else is found instead.