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Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - Printable Version

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Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - sylas - Nov-08-2017

Hi all ! Let us take two examples: Pycharm (versions 3.3 and 3.2) and python (version 3.3 and 3.2). Pycharm was installed passing via "software center". For Pycharm I can easily "uninstall". For python I can delete the ancient version using "rm" on the the terminal.
   But what happens if I upload new version without previouslly deleting ancient version ?
   Thanks for your reply.

RE: Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - Larz60+ - Nov-08-2017

PyCharm current version is 2017.2.3
I think the versions you are talking about are Python versions.
Don't use rm, see snippsat's tutorial:

RE: Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - sylas - Nov-08-2017

My question could be: what "updaters" do ? Till now I delete  the ancient version. If I could "install" without prevously "unistall" the ancient version, I should appreciate.

RE: Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - sparkz_alot - Nov-08-2017

Again, it depends on whether you're talking about Pycharm or Python. Upgrading one does not effect the other. Python doesn't care at all about Pycharm, however, Pycharm does need to know where Python is, so if you upgrade Python, you may need to notify Pycharm where the new interpreter (folder) is.

As for Python, suppose you want to go from version 3.6.2 to 3.6.3 and your current Python directory is "C:\Python36", when you run the new installer, make sure the directory location is the same, "C:\Python36", this will upgrade the current version to the newer version, as well as keeping all your 3rd party libraries (which are lost if you do an uninstall/install). I would also recommend, after an upgrade, that you run pip list --outdated from the command line (which you should be doing periodically anyway).  I do not know about Linux or Mac, as I've not had to upgrade them and to be honest, when it comes to their pre-installed versions, I wouldn't want to try for fear of 'breaking' the OS.

I will say, and this is my own personal method, is if there is a change in major versions of Python, say from 3.6 to 3.7, I will remove the older version and run the new version as a new install. I have no scientific reason for doing so, I just like to do it.

RE: Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - metulburr - Nov-08-2017

Quote:But what happens if I upload new version without previouslly deleting ancient version ?
Nothing you would just install another version. The older ones would just sit there. On one of my systems, i still have 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 on it just because i never bothered to removed them. You just need to make sure to update the inerpreter path for any IDE you use to the interpreter you wish to use.

To remove old ones, if you compiled from source, go to the directory and run make uninstall

If you installed it via your package manager, then you would have to use that, if ubuntu
sudo apt-get remove python3.3

RE: Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - sylas - Nov-08-2017

Thanks to all of you. My new PC has double boot: windows and linux. A lot of work waits me.

RE: Can I upload a new version without previously deleting ancient version - Larz60+ - Nov-08-2017

In PyCharm (after you upgrade python), you need to specify your project interpreter
With project loaded, this can be done by clicking on help and typing settings.
If no project is loaded, from splash screen of PyCharm, select configure->settings->ProjectInterpreter