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Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - Printable Version

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Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ozzyk - Nov-29-2017

I want to get the lyrics for each track returned from lastfm api. If i use the method song_lyric() below, that uses the musixmatch api, directy like:

song_lyric("(Another Song) All Over Again", "Justion Timberlake")
It works I get the lyric of the artist and track title informed in the method parameters:

Quote:name:::::(Another Song) All Over Againartsist::::Justin Timberlake

But if I use "song_lyric(name,artist)" in the code below its not working, in the firsts lyrics works but then when it reaches this same song "All Over Again" and it appears:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/ozzy/PycharmProjects/semantic/", line 240, in <module>
tracks[ID]['Lyric'] = song_lyric(title, tracks[ID]['Artist'])
File "/Users/ozzy/PycharmProjects/semantic/", line 29, in song_lyric
body = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_body"]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

Do you know how to solve this issue?

Code to get the lyrics of track based on artist name and title:

tracks = {}
for i,v in albuns.items():
    artist = albuns[i]['Artist'].replace(" ","+")
    title = albuns[i]['Title'].replace(" ", "+")
    album = requests.get(''+api_key+'&artist='+artist+'&album='+title)
    tree = ET.fromstring(album.content)
    for child in tree:
        for artist in child.findall('tracks'):
            for track in artist.findall('track'):
                name = track.find('name').text
                tracks[ID] = {}
                tracks[ID]['Title'] = name
                tracks[ID]['Artist'] = albuns[i]['Artist']
                tracks[ID]['Album'] = albuns[i]['Title']
                tracks[ID]['Lyric'] = song_lyric(title, tracks[ID]['Artist'])
                print("name:::::"+name + "artsist::::" +tracks[ID]['Artist'])
                song_lyric("(Another Song) All Over Again", "Justion Timberlake")
    print (ID)
Full working example:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import requests
import musicbrainzngs
import json
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import socket

apikey_musixmatch = '0b4a363bbd71974c2634837d5b5d1d9a' #generated for the example
apiurl_musixmatch = ''

def song_lyric(song_name,artist_name):
    while True:
        querystring = apiurl_musixmatch + "matcher.lyrics.get?q_track=" + urllib.parse.quote(song_name) + "&q_artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(artist_name) +"&apikey=" + apikey_musixmatch + "&format=json&f_has_lyrics=1"
        request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
        #request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + client_access_token)
        request.add_header("User-Agent", "curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)") #Must include user agent of some sort, otherwise 403 returned
        while True:
                response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=4) #timeout set to 4 seconds; automatically retries if times out
                raw =
            except socket.timeout:
                print("Timeout raised and caught")

        json_obj = json.loads(raw.decode('utf-8'))
        body = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_body"]
        copyright = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_copyright"]

        tracking_url = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["html_tracking_url"]
        if(tracking_url != "" and body != ""):
            return (body + "\n\n" +copyright)
            return "None"

def lyrics_tracking(tracking_url):
    while True:
        querystring = tracking_url
        request = urllib.request.Request(querystring)
        #request.add_header("Authorization", "Bearer " + client_access_token)
        request.add_header("User-Agent", "curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) (ipv6 enabled)") #Must include user agent of some sort, otherwise 403 returned
            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=4) #timeout set to 4 seconds; automatically retries if times out
            raw =
        except socket.timeout:
            print("Timeout raised and caught")

ID = 1

api_key = "b088cbedecd40b35dd89e90f55227ac2" #This should be you LastFM API Key

bands = {}

for i in range(2,5):
    artistslist = requests.get(''+str(i)+'&api_key='+api_key)
    tree = ET.fromstring(artistslist.content)
    for child in tree:
        for artist in child.findall('artist'):
            if ID > 5: continue
            name = artist.find('name').text
            bands[ID] = {}
            bands[ID]['ID'] = ID
            bands[ID]['Name'] = name
albuns = {}

for i,v in bands.items():
    chosen = bands[i]['Name'].replace(" ", "+")
    topalbuns = requests.get(''+chosen+'&api_key='+api_key+'&limit=15')
    tree = ET.fromstring(topalbuns.content)
    for child in tree:
        for album in child:
            name = album.find('name').text
            albuns[ID] = {}
            albuns[ID]['ID'] = ID
            albuns[ID]['Artist'] = bands[i]['Name']
            albuns[ID]['ArtistID'] = bands[i]['ID']
            albuns[ID]['Title'] = name

print("TRACKS INFO")
tracks = {}
for i,v in albuns.items():
    artist = albuns[i]['Artist'].replace(" ","+")
    title = albuns[i]['Title'].replace(" ", "+")
    album = requests.get(''+api_key+'&artist='+artist+'&album='+title)
    tree = ET.fromstring(album.content)
    for child in tree:
        for artist in child.findall('tracks'):
            for track in artist.findall('track'):
                name = track.find('name').text
                tracks[ID] = {}
                tracks[ID]['Title'] = name
                tracks[ID]['Artist'] = albuns[i]['Artist']
                tracks[ID]['Album'] = albuns[i]['Title']
                tracks[ID]['AlbumID'] = albuns[i]['ID']
                tracks[ID]['Lyric'] = song_lyric(title, tracks[ID]['Artist'])
                print("name:::::"+name + "artsist::::" +tracks[ID]['Artist'])
                song_lyric("(Another Song) All Over Again", "Justion Timberlake")
    print (ID)

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ODIS - Nov-29-2017

Hi Ozzyk,

try to debug your code if you're using the PyCharm (as I suppose from your file path). It's easy and in this kind of problems it's always quickly leading to problem resolution.

I think you've a mistake on this line:
tracks[ID]['Lyric'] = song_lyric(title, tracks[ID]['Artist'])
You should call song_lyric function with a name of the song which would be:
tracks[ID]['Lyric'] = song_lyric(name, tracks[ID]['Artist'])

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ozzyk - Nov-29-2017

Thanks for your answer. But that way it works also for firsts tracks but then it appears: ValueError: unknown url type: ''.

It seems that it works with:

if(tracking_url!= ""):
return (body + "\n\n" +copyright)
return "None"


Now it is appearing the same error with that solution above, " body = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_body"]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str".

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ODIS - Nov-29-2017

Yes because of this line:
"artist" is instance of Element object.

Delete this two lines from the for loop:
song_lyric("(Another Song) All Over Again", "Justion Timberlake")
You're not saving their result anyway.

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ozzyk - Nov-29-2017

Thanks. I already had that lines commented, so should be other issue.

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ODIS - Nov-29-2017

For me it's working after two updates which I've described.

Does your for loop looks like this now?

for i, v in albuns.items():
    artist = albuns[i]['Artist'].replace(" ", "+")
    title = albuns[i]['Title'].replace(" ", "+")
    album = requests.get(
        '' + api_key + '&artist=' + artist + '&album=' + title)
    tree = ET.fromstring(album.content)
    for child in tree:
        for artist in child.findall('tracks'):
            for track in artist.findall('track'):
                name = track.find('name').text
                tracks[ID] = {}
                tracks[ID]['Title'] = name
                tracks[ID]['Artist'] = albuns[i]['Artist']
                tracks[ID]['Album'] = albuns[i]['Title']
                tracks[ID]['AlbumID'] = albuns[i]['ID']
                tracks[ID]['Lyric'] = song_lyric(name, tracks[ID]['Artist'])
                print("name:::::" + name + "artsist::::" + tracks[ID]['Artist'])
                ID += 1
Send the whole code again.

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ozzyk - Nov-29-2017

Thanks again. Maybe you dont get the error because of the "ID > 2: continue", without this condition, with more tracks there will be some track that will give the error. For example if you just change the country to Germany like below and maintaining the "ID > 2: continue" the tracks returned are different and you can see that when it reachs some a specific track it appears the error.

  artistslist = requests.get(''+str(i)+'&api_key='+api_key)

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ODIS - Nov-29-2017

Well, the error is appearing because if you're trying to get non-existing lyrics, you get response with another data structure. So it will fail here:

json_obj = json.loads(raw.decode('utf-8'))
body = json_obj["message"]["body"]["lyrics"]["lyrics_body"]
Try to put there a breaking point and debug it. You'll see it clearly.

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ozzyk - Nov-29-2017

Thanks again. Do you know why this dont works "if(tracking_url!= "" or body != ""):"? It should not work because print(body) prints blank but I dont understand why.

RE: Getting TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices not str - ODIS - Nov-29-2017

I'm sorry. I don't understand your question. Put here your actual code and point in it (with comment) where do you have problem.