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Best Python Reference Book? - Printable Version

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Best Python Reference Book? - Oliver - Dec-04-2017

I've seen lots of good Python reference books on Amazon. One book that gets good reviews is from back in 2009.

But, I'm wondering if, given the excellent online resources (like the Python docs itself), if a third-party book is worth it?

I would like to get the feedback on which book (maybe the pocket reference?) still makes sense.

I have bought the "Python Cookbook" and a couple on Machine learning, but for other basic Python "how tos", I'm not sure another book, again, given the excellent online resources, is needed.



RE: Best Python Reference Book? - wavic - Dec-04-2017

Also, in this thread, we post links to related to Python books which you can download for free from

RE: Best Python Reference Book? - Oliver - Dec-06-2017

(Dec-04-2017, 12:18 PM)wavic Wrote:

Also, in this thread, we post links to related to Python books which you can download for free from

Incredible! Thanks. Bookmarked.
