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what is this - JohnKingson - Dec-14-2017

I am trying to edit the text inside a dialogue window and when I open the .py in notepad this is what I see ... Is there another program I can use to read this??

window = pyxbmct.AddonDialogWindow(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠩ࡞ࡇࡔࡒࡏࡓࠢࡵࡩࡩࡣࡌࡰࡩ࡬ࡲࠥ࡫ࡲࡳࡱࡵࠥࡠ࠵ࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࡢ࠭ࡒ"))
window.setGeometry(800, 400, 3, 1)
window.placeControl(background, 0, 0, 3, 1)
l11ll1l_opy_ = pyxbmct.Label(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠪ࡟ࡈࡕࡌࡐࡔࠣࡶࡪࡪ࡝࡜ࡄࡠࡉࡷࡸ࡯ࡳࠣࠣࡊࡦ࡯࡬ࡦࡦࠣࡸࡴࠦ࡬ࡰࡩ࡬ࡲࠥࡺ࡯ࠡࡉࡨࡥࡷࡹࠠࡕࡘࠤ࡟࠴ࡈ࡝࡜࠱ࡆࡓࡑࡕࡒ࡞ࠩࡓ"), alignment=pyxbmct.ALIGN_CENTER)
l1ll1_opy_ = pyxbmct.TextBox()
window.placeControl(l11ll1l_opy_, 0, 0)
window.placeControl(l1ll1_opy_ , 1, 0)
l1ll1_opy_.setText(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠫࡌ࡫ࡡࡳࡵࠣࡘ࡛ࠦࡲࡦࡳࡸ࡭ࡷ࡫ࡳࠡࡣࡱࠤࡦࡩࡴࡪࡸࡨࠤࡦࡩࡣࡰࡷࡱࡸ࠱ࠦࡰ࡭ࡧࡤࡷࡪࠦࡥ࡯ࡶࡨࡶࠥࡿ࡯ࡶࡴࠣࡋࡪࡧࡲࡴࠢࡗ࡚ࠥࡇࡣࡤࡱࡸࡲࡹࠦࡤࡦࡶࡤ࡭ࡱࡹ࠮ࠡ࡞ࡱࡠࡳࡏࡦࠡࡻࡲࡹࠥࡪ࡯ࠡࡰࡲࡸࠥ࡮ࡡࡷࡧࠣࡥࠥࡍࡥࡢࡴࡶࠤ࡙࡜ࠠࡢࡥࡦࡳࡺࡴࡴ࠭ࠢࡳࡰࡪࡧࡳࡦࠢࡵࡩࡦࡪࠠࡵࡪࡨࠤࡵ࡯࡮࡯ࡧࡧࠤࡵࡵࡳࡵࠢࡲࡲࠥࡵࡵࡳࠢࡩࡥࡨ࡫ࡢࡰࡱ࡮ࠤࡵࡧࡧࡦ࠼ࠣ࡬ࡹࡺࡰ࠻࠱࠲ࡪࡦࡩࡥࡣࡱࡲ࡯࠳ࡩ࡯࡮࠱ࡪࡶࡴࡻࡰࡴ࠱ࡕࡩࡧࡵ࡯ࡵ࠴࠷࠻ࠥࡺ࡯ࠡࡲࡸࡶࡨ࡮ࡡࡴࡧࠣࡥࡳࠦࡡࡤࡥࡲࡹࡳࡺ࠮ࠨࡔ"))
l1lllll_opy_ = pyxbmct.Button(l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠬࡡࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࠥࡸࡥࡥ࡟࡞ࡆࡢࡕࡋ࡜࠱ࡅࡡࡠ࠵ࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࡢ࠭ࡕ"))
window.placeControl(l1lllll_opy_, 2, 0)
window.connect(l1lllll_opy_, window.close)
window.connect(pyxbmct.ACTION_NAV_BACK, window.close)
del window
l11111l_opy_ = xbmcgui.Dialog()
l1l1_opy_ = l11111l_opy_.yesno(l1lll1_opy_ (u"࡛࠭ࡄࡑࡏࡓࡗࠦࡲࡦࡦࡠࡋࡊࡇࡒࡔ࡝࠲ࡇࡔࡒࡏࡓ࡟࡞ࡇࡔࡒࡏࡓࠢࡺ࡬࡮ࡺࡥ࡞ࠢࡗ࡚ࡠ࠵ࡃࡐࡎࡒࡖࡢ࠭ࡖ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠧࡘࡱࡸࡰࡩࠦࡹࡰࡷࠣࡰ࡮ࡱࡥࠡࡶࡲࠤࡪࡴࡴࡦࡴࠣࡽࡴࡻࡲࠡ࡝ࡆࡓࡑࡕࡒࠡࡴࡨࡨࡢࡍࡅࡂࡔࡖ࡟࠴ࡉࡏࡍࡑࡕࡡࡠࡉࡏࡍࡑࡕࠤࡼ࡮ࡩࡵࡧࡠࠤ࡙࡜࡛࠰ࡅࡒࡐࡔࡘ࡝ࠡࡣࡦࡧࡴࡻ࡮ࡵࠢࡧࡩࡹࡧࡩ࡭ࡵࠣࡲࡴࡽ࠿ࠨࡗ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠨࠩࡘ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"࡙ࠩࠪ"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠪࡒࡴ࡚࠭"),l1lll1_opy_ (u"ࠫ࡞࡫ࡳࠨ࡛"))
if l1l1_opy_:
if not l1l1_opy_:

RE: what is this - Larz60+ - Dec-14-2017

what type of dialogue window? Please be more specific.
what vrsion of python?
At any rate, it looks like you are trying to type unicode data.

RE: what is this - JohnKingson - Dec-14-2017

Not sure what version I cant see it. I am trying to do some basic editing of the window it shows the same unicode. Anything I can do to decypher it?

RE: what is this - stranac - Dec-14-2017

You should be able to use pretty much any editor but notepad to see it properly.
I mostly use sublime text when I want something with a GUI, or vim when I want to pretend I'm one of the cool kids, but that's just a personal preference...

RE: what is this - JohnKingson - Dec-14-2017

Yeah I have copied that from Notepadd ++ ... I can change the window size without error.. Where the 1 and o are is the text that needs to be edited. When I delete and type txt it throws an error log.

RE: what is this - nilamo - Dec-14-2017


That doesn't look like python.  It also doesn't look like bytecode.  Can you upload the file as an attachment, so we can see it unaltered?

RE: what is this - JohnKingson - Dec-14-2017

the file is here

RE: what is this - nilamo - Dec-14-2017

Sweet baby jesus.  It looks like it's been run through an obfuscator or something.  It's obviously some sort of extension to kodi, but I can't dig any further into it right now.  Have you tried asking whoever wrote it if they can make the change for you?

RE: what is this - JohnKingson - Dec-14-2017

lol... exactly! I have but the support there is terrible. Not sure if the encoded it with something or what. I am very very limited on my knowledge of coding. I purchased rebranding credits from them and was supposed to be able to put my name on everything but there addon still contains all there group information and I need to change that because it makes no since to sell my rebranded credits at a higher price if they can go into the addon and see where they can buy it cheaper. So it has me at a stand still with releasing my addons/builds for kodi.

RE: what is this - stranac - Dec-15-2017

Oh, that looks like a fun file.
I'll probably get around to reversing it when I have the free time :)