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Add column to csv file based on values in existing column - Printable Version

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Add column to csv file based on values in existing column - Irah - Dec-21-2017

I am new to python and I have a csv file of the following type

id, header1, header2
1, 80-80-20, a
2, 30,b

Now I would like to separate the values in header1 to new columns where the - is the "delimiter", i.e. it should look like this:

id, header1, header2, header1_1, header1_2, header1_3
1, 80-80-20, a, 80,80,20
2, 30,b,30,,

Any hints on how to solve this using python 3?

RE: Add column to csv file based on values in existing column - SRG - Dec-21-2017

If you post your code, we can offer more succinct guidance. In the absence, however, I can suggest you look at the .split() function of strings. You can split the value in header1 and output it as additional columns in the outfile.

RE: Add column to csv file based on values in existing column - Irah - Dec-22-2017

If I would have code I would have posted it but I had no idea how to even start. But I will try with the split function now.

RE: Add column to csv file based on values in existing column - Larz60+ - Dec-22-2017

Make an attempt, even if you can't get it to work.
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