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Very frightening blog - Larz60+ - Jan-10-2018

Check this out!
Intel vunerability

RE: Very frightening blog - micseydel - Jan-10-2018

Did you mean "bug" instead of "blog"?

RE: Very frightening blog - Larz60+ - Jan-10-2018

That too

RE: Very frightening blog - j.crater - Jan-10-2018

It has been the hottest news in tech zone for at least a week now. Some people are frantically doing benchmarks to compare "old" CPU performance compared to that after OS fixes have been released. Reports vary from 5% all the way to 25-30% decrease in performance. But usually it really shows only in raw computation scenarios.

Here is a list of affected CPUs: Intel and AMD
And (at least 1?) following generation of Intels will be affected by the slowdown too. I'm not sure how reliable the info is, but next gen AMD Ryzen CPUs (scheduled for April) are supposed to be first without these inherent vulnerabilities.

RE: Very frightening blog - wavic - Jan-10-2018

Upgrade the OS. It has to be fixed since yesterday. Firefox released an upgrade to prevent exploiting this vulnerability. I wonder since when this is known as a bug from some agencies.

I am upgrading my Arch now and will do it with my Mint and Ubuntu MATE boxes right after that.

RE: Very frightening blog - j.crater - Jan-10-2018

I can't find the source article now, but it is widely regarded as a fact that Intel has known about vulnerabilities for quite some years now. So, for how long have agencies known then, is anyone's guess =)

RE: Very frightening blog - wavic - Jan-10-2018

Knowing a tremendous issue like this and not fix it means that it was exploited by some people. It was not fixed on purpose.

RE: Very frightening blog - sparkz_alot - Jan-10-2018


RE: Very frightening blog - Larz60+ - Jan-11-2018

Let's hope it's not controlling this:

RE: Very frightening blog - wavic - Jan-11-2018

It's is worst than it is. How many Intel chips is controlling the nuclear arsenal of a country? Or power plants. One can bring all infrastructure of a city down just like that.