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Error string indice must integers Json - Printable Version

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Error string indice must integers Json - ALEGON - Jan-10-2018

I have a problem with my code

response = requests.get("" )
retorno = response.content
retorno = retorno.decode("utf-8")
json_data = json.loads(retorno)
CL_NOME = json_data['CL_NOME']
print ("NOME=" + CL_NOME)

When I try to run the following error occurs :

CL_NOME = json_data['CL_NOME']
TypeError : string indices must be integers

if I send print json_data appears:

{"CC_COD":16,"CL_COD":40,"CC_NUMERO_CARTAO":"68453217628884","CC_BANDEIRA":"visa","CC_VALIDADE":"09/21","CC_COD_SEGURANCA":"188","CC_FUNCAO":"C","CC_PRINCIPAL":"S","CL_NOME":"Alexandre Luiz"}

if I print the type the result is:
print (type(json_data))

result --> <class 'str'>

Can someone help me ?

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - mpd - Jan-10-2018

What does the following output?

response = requests.get("" )
retorno = response.content
retorno = retorno.decode("utf-8")

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - snippsat - Jan-10-2018

Use code tag
Don't use decode of json.load() with Requests,theses are build into Requests.
import requests

url = ''
url_get = requests.get(url)
json_data = url_get.json()
# Parse json
utf-8 <class 'dict'>
TypeError : string indices must be integers
That's a common error message because in a larger json usually also a get back list in the dictionary.
So it normal to parse like this.

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - ALEGON - Jan-10-2018

(Jan-10-2018, 02:38 PM)mpd Wrote: What does the following output?

response = requests.get("" )
retorno = response.content
retorno = retorno.decode("utf-8")

retorno = response.content

b'"[{\\"CC_COD\\":16,\\"CL_COD\\":40,\\"CC_NUMERO_CARTAO\\":\\"4984532174628184\\",\\"CC_BANDEIRA\\":\\"visa\\",\\"CC_VALIDADE\\":\\"09/21\\",\\"CC_COD_SEGURANCA\\":\\"188\\",\\"CC_FUNCAO\\":\\"C\\",\\"CC_PRINCIPAL\\":\\"S\\",\\"CL_NOME\\":\\"Alexandre Gontijo\\"}]"'

retorno = retorno.decode("utf-8")
"[{\"CC_COD\":16,\"CL_COD\":40,\"CC_NUMERO_CARTAO\":\"4984532174628184\",\"CC_BANDEIRA\":\"visa\",\"CC_VALIDADE\":\"09/21\",\"CC_COD_SEGURANCA\":\"188\",\"CC_FUNCAO\":\"C\",\"CC_PRINCIPAL\":\"S\",\"CL_NOME\":\"Alexandre Gontijo\"}]"

The value returns in bytes by what I do retorno = retorno.decode("utf-8")

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - snippsat - Jan-10-2018

No encoding,as mention so is Requests doing that.
If the url return json,then this should work.
import requests

response = requests.get("")
# Get json,a json encode/decode is build in
json_data = response.json()
# Should be a dictionary
# Look at data

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - mpd - Jan-10-2018

snippsat called it. You have a list of objects, not just an object. You just need to access the first (0) element in the array:

CL_NOME = json_data[0]['CL_NOME']

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - ALEGON - Jan-10-2018

(Jan-10-2018, 05:14 PM)mpd Wrote: snippsat called it. You have a list of objects, not just an object. You just need to access the first (0) element in the array:

CL_NOME = json_data[0]['CL_NOME']

I did it this way and the same error happens
The problem is that the type of the variable continues as a string even after converting to JSON

json_data = response.json()

result : <class 'str'>

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - mpd - Jan-10-2018

(Jan-10-2018, 06:10 PM)ALEGON Wrote:
(Jan-10-2018, 05:14 PM)mpd Wrote: snippsat called it. You have a list of objects, not just an object. You just need to access the first (0) element in the array:

CL_NOME = json_data[0]['CL_NOME']

I did it this way and the same error happens
The problem is that the type of the variable continues as a string even after converting to JSON

json_data = response.json()

result : <class 'str'>

I tried the URL in your original post but get a 404 error. Snippsat's sample is a little different from yours and if the server is returning the data correctly, you should get an object with

import requests
response = requests.get(URL)
obj = response.json()

RE: Error string indice must integers Json - lghauth - Jan-10-2018

Are you sure the code below is the one which is causing the error?

response = requests.get("" )
retorno = response.content
retorno = retorno.decode("utf-8")
json_data = json.loads(retorno)
CL_NOME = json_data['CL_NOME']
print ("NOME=" + CL_NOME)
I'm asking because in your GET request you are sending CL_COD=1, but when you say you print json_data it shows CL_COD = 40

If you place the entire code, might be helpfull